campaign of the three women candidates. Likewise, it is
worth highlighting the fact that, although Xiomara Castro
and Dilma Rousseff share the strategy of sticking to
gender performativity, which allowed them to climb the
power game by showing themselves to be charismatic and
maternal. In the case of Cristina Fernández, she was not
questioned for being a woman with a strong and
egocentric personality and she did not have to apply any
gender strategy in her political discourse. Cristina
Fernández limited herself to resorting to the motto of
strength as a synonym for female empowerment.
In contrast to Dilma Rousseff, gender aspects in
politics occurred very differently with Cristina Fernández
and Xiomara Castro in Argentina and Honduras,
respectively. Cristina Fernández, for example, should not
have resorted to adapting to gender regulations to
monopolize the vote of a greater percentage of the
population. She was always seen, from her time as deputy
and senator between 1989 and 1995, as a rigid, pragmatic,
and even egocentric woman before the media. These
qualities did not affect her electoral campaign.
In the case of Xiomara Castro, she did not have to
resort to adapting her image and person to gender roles as
such for being the wife of Manuel Zelaya, former
president of Honduras and the face of the Libre political
party. She was never seen as a strong figure or "out of the
norm and expected" for a woman. Xiomara Castro, in her
2021 electoral campaign, was questioned only because of
her technical abilities to hold the position of president. She
was not questioned on gender grounds.
5. Conclusion
Latin American politics include a predominant
dominance of masculinist culture, as the only
stereotypically accepted national leading figures. The
vigorous image of men in politics has become a daily
cycle, relegating women with political aspirations to the
need to adapt to the standards imposed by society. Despite
the progress shown within the region in recent years, there
is a prevalent overwhelming inequity within the political
arena, with the number of women parliamentarians or in
high positions in government administrations becoming
increasingly scarce. A predominant phenomenon in the
three political discourses studied is that of societies with
immutable gender roles. Despite the positive results of the
political speeches of the three presidents analyzed, the
masculinist bases continue to vibrate. This indicates that
the feminization of politics still has a long way to go.
6. Author Contributions
AF, IV and LC designed the study and collected the
data. LCA supervised the study and advised the co-
authors. All authors read and approved the final version of
the manuscript.
7. Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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