INNOVARE. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología. Vol. 12, No. 1, 2023
Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología
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Original Article
Binary classification of malware by analyzing its behavior in the
network using machine learning
Clasificación binaria de malware mediante el análisis de su comportamiento en la red mediante aprendizaje de
Jean Carlo Soto
Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana, UNITEC, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Article history:
Received: 29 October 2022
Revised: 22 March 2023
Accepted: 29 March 2023
Published: 15 April 2023
Deep learning
Machine learning
Palabras clave
Aprendizaje de maquina
Aprendizaje profundo
Seguridad cibernética
ABSTRACT. Introduction. Every day we are exposed to all kinds of cyber-threats when we browse the internet,
compromising the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our devices. Cyber-attacks have become more
sophisticated and cyber attackers require less technical knowledge to execute such attacks. An automated and well-
defined process to counter these attacks becomes urgent. The study aim was to solve this problem. Methods. A model
was developed to analyze the information in Packet Capture (PCAP) files and classify network connections as either
benign or malicious (malware generated). This software used two methods: traditional machine learning algorithms
and neural networks. Our experiments were carried out using the Intrusion Detection Evaluation Dataset
(CICIDS2017), which contains labeled samples of PCAP files. We experimented using both raw and standardized data.
The classification results were evaluated using recall, precision, F1-score, and accuracy metrics. Results. These were
satisfactory for both methods, obtaining more than 95% in the F1-score and recall metric, indicating a low number of
false negatives. Conclusion. It was found that data standardization had a favorable impact on all metrics and should
be used carefully. Overall, our experiments showed that malicious network traffic can be successfully detected using
automated methods achieving above 95% of F1-score in the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm (K-NN) classifier.
RESUMEN. Introducción. Cada día estamos expuestos a todo tipo de ciberamenazas cuando navegamos por internet,
comprometiendo la confidencialidad, integridad y disponibilidad de nuestros dispositivos. Los ciberataques se han
convertido más sofisticados y los ciberatacantes requieren menos conocimientos técnicos para ejecutar dichos ataques.
Un proceso automatizado y bien definido para contrarrestar estos ataques se vuelve urgente. El objetivo del estudio fue
resolver este problema. Métodos. Se desarrolló un modelo para analizar la información en los archivos de Captura de
paquetes (PCAP) y clasificar las conexiones de red como benignas o maliciosas (generadas por malware). Este software
utilizó dos métodos: algoritmos tradicionales de aprendizaje de maquina y redes neuronales. Nuestros experimentos se
llevaron a cabo utilizando el conjunto de datos de evaluación de detección de intrusiones (CICIDS2017), que contiene
muestras etiquetadas de archivos PCAP. Se utilizó datos tanto crudos como estandarizados. Los resultados de la
clasificación se evaluaron utilizando métricas de exhaustividad, precisión, puntuación F1 y precisión. Resultados.
Estos fueron satisfactorios para ambos métodos, obteniendo más del 95% en las métricas de puntuación F1 y
exhaustividad, lo que indica un bajo número de falsos negativos. Conclusión. Se encontró que la estandarización de
datos tuvo un impacto favorable en todas las métricas y debe usarse con cuidado. En general, nuestros experimentos
mostraron que el tráfico de red malicioso se puede detectar con éxito utilizando métodos automatizados que alcanzan
más del 95% de la puntuación F1 en el Clasificador del Algoritmo de Vecinos Más Cercanos (K-NN).
1. Introduction
The International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
develops the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI). This was
first launched in 2015 with 192 ITU member states and
the state of Palestine to help these states to identify areas
of improvement and encourage countries to act raising
awareness on the state of cybersecurity worldwide. This
GCI consists of 82 questions to evaluate 5 pillars: legal
measures, technical measures, organizational measures,
capacity development measures and cooperation
J. C. Soto
INNOVARE. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología. Vol. 12, No. 1, 2023
In the last GCI published in 2020, Honduras performed
in the last place of the GCI in the America Region and was
placed in the 178
position out of 182 countries with a
score of 2.2 out of 100 (International Communication
Union, 2020). This means almost every person using the
internet does not actually know the risks of the ever-
increasing malicious software out there.
Malware is defined as malicious software that is
intentionally placed or inserted into a system to harm
(Stallings, 2006) and it has been known for some time as
one of the strongest threats on the internet. State-of-the-
art software for virus detection and prevention (antivirus)
has been quite successful.
However, antivirus providers face problems due to the
large number of variations of malware that are produced
daily. Ciampa (2021) highlights in the 2018 McAfee Labs
threats report that the number of new malware released
every month exceeds 20 million, and the total malware in
existence is approaching 900 million instances. In 2019,
four out of every five organizations experienced at least
one successful cyberattack, and over one-third suffered
six or more successful attacks (Cyberedge Group, 2020).
The organizations that oversee dealing with this type
of threat increasingly require better techniques for the
automated classification of malware samples in general.
Malware classification is a process that was traditionally
done manually (Tian et al., 2009; Gheorghescu, 2005).
This became inefficient over time because of the large
number of malware samples emerging daily product of the
polymorphism, metamorphism, and obfuscation
techniques involved in modern malware. As a
consequence of the inefficiency of this process, the need
of automating and standardizing this process arises.
Malicious network traffic samples should be identified
with the least possible margin of error by this automated
One of the most popular approaches for malware
classification is based on content. This checks the content
of the files and compares them with signatures from a
database, looking for matches with previously identified
malware samples. Some research works (Tian et al., 2009)
concentrate on Malicious Executable Classification
Systems (MECS) that distinguish between benign or
malignant executables. However, this approach cannot
recognize new variants of already known families without
having an existing sample of these.
Another approach for malware classification is based
on behavior, which is subdivided into two types: based on
Central Processing Unit (CPU) and based on the data
network traffic. The first one analyzes and monitors the
behavior of programs on the computer. The second one
analyzes and monitors incoming and outgoing data
packets, connections to hosts, and others. Even though
monitoring and processing system calls can be a resource
intensive task (Nari & Ghorbani, 2013), most of the works
using CPU-based classification are based on system calls,
used to abstract, and represent malware behavior. Nari &
Ghorbani (2013) proposed the behavior-based approach
via data traffic network under the assumption that when a
new variant of malware emerges, it will show similar
behavior to its predecessor regardless of the obfuscation,
polymorphism, or metamorphism used to create it. Today
we can find numerous investigations (Hock & Kortis,
2015; Chockwanich & Visoottiviseth, 2019; Jabez &
Muthukumar Dr., 2015; Yin et al., 2017) that show the
behavior of malware in the data traffic network as an
essential component.
Identifying malware by the network traffic is quite the
same as the intrusion detection systems based on the
network. An intrusion detection/prevention system
(IDS/IPS) is a security tool that can detect malicious
activity and taking preventive measures to protect both the
host and the network against potential threats, which
would normally pass through a traditional firewall
(Ambati & Vidyarthi, 2013; Kolokotronis & Shiales,
2021). IDS/IPS are divided into two categories: Host
Intrusion Detection/Prevention System (HIDS/HIPS) and
Network Intrusion Detection/Prevention System
(NIDS/NIPS). HIDS/HIPS are user (host) based IDS/IPS.
These are used to analyze and monitor activities in a
particular machine. NIDS/NIPS detect and prevent
intrusion threats by continuously monitoring data network
traffic, looking for malicious and unauthorized entries that
attempt to harm the basic security of the data network.
These systems take automatic action to stop the intrusion
by sending alerts to the administrator, dropping, or
blocking malicious traffic from the source address, or
terminating the connection (Kolokotronis & Shiales,
Shipulin (2018) explains the technology behind the
NIDS/NIPS systems. These works at layer 4 of the OSI
(Open Systems Interconnection) model (Purser, 2004).
That is, with transport layer protocols such as TCP
(Transmission Control Protocol), UDP (User Datagram
Protocol), and others. The goal is to identify malicious
packets in data network traffic representing attack
attempts. The incoming traffic is divided into its
corresponding protocol, and it is decoded, decompressed,
normalized, and later compared it with a set of signatures.
This research work is based on the premise that any
new variant of malware behaves similarly to that of its
predecessor (Tian et al., 2009), together with the fact that
most malware communicates with external hosts (Nari &
Ghorbani, 2013). The proposed model bases its operation
on the behavior-based approach at the data network level
(Nari & Ghorbani, 2013). This model parses files
containing frames and packets captured from the network,
known as (Packet Capture) PCAP files.
This model employs two methods for classifying
malware-generated traffic samples: (a) using traditional
machine learning algorithms such as K-Nearest
Neighbors (K-NN) and Support Vector Machines (SVM)
J. C. Soto
INNOVARE. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología. Vol. 12, No. 1, 2023
and (b) using various deep neural network models. For
both methods, the CICIDS2017 dataset (available in was used
for training and evaluation. This dataset contains network
traffic features generated by the CICFlowMeter (network
traffic flow generator and analyzer available in
CFlowMeter). Likewise, as part of the objectives, two
scenarios were contemplated for both methods: (a) non-
standardizing the dataset, and (b) standardizing the
dataset. The results of combining different classification
methods with and without standardization were then
2. Methods
This research work aimed to develop a model that can
identify network traffic generated by malware. In other
words, it is to automate the process of classifying data
frames and to locate those whose behavior patterns
indicate possible intrusions to the network. The process
used two methods: (a) traditional machine learning
algorithms (K-NN and SVM) and (b) various deep neural
networks models. Both methods were trained and tested
using the CICIDS2017 dataset (Figure 1).
For our experiments, the positive class is malign
network traffic. Thus, our goal was to get the lowest
possible number of false negatives, indicated by a high
recall. A false negative means allowing attacks to pass
through the data network, which in this context could
trigger a series of catastrophic events that would
compromise the confidentiality, integrity, and availability
of our devices. Our results scored up to 99% for the recall
metric, indicating a very low number of false negatives.
In addition, Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)
curve was applied to compare neural network models.
Finally, the results have shown that the standardization
of the data can have a positive impact on the results if used
in the right context. This research sought to answer the
following research questions: Can we achieve good
results (greater than 95% of recall) in the classification of
samples of traffic generated by malware, by analyzing
only its behavior of network data traffic? Will
classification of malware-generated traffic samples using
neural networks perform better on average than
classification using K-NN and SVM? Will data
standardization impact drastically the evaluation metrics?
2.1. Dataset
The CICIDS2017 dataset (Sharafaldini et al., 2018)
was acquired from the official website of the University
of New Brunswick (UNB). This set contains 8 files of type
CSV with a total of 2,830,743 records, each record has a
total of 79 features. The dataset provides samples of
connections from 15 types, including benign network
traffic. However, the goal of this work was to identify any
network traffic generated by malware. Therefore, all
malware types were grouped together to represent a single
class called malign. Of all connections in the dataset,
80.32% were benign and 19.68% were malign (8.1334%
DoS HULK, 5.6171% PortScan, 4.5249% DDoS,
0.3638% DoS Golden Eye, 0.2806% FTP-Patator,
0.2084% SSH-Patator, 0.2049% DoS Slowloris, 0.1944%
DoS Slowhttptest, 0.0695% Bot, 0.0533% Web Attack
Brute Force, 0.0230% Web Attack - XSS, 0.0013%
Infiltration, 0.0007% Web Attack SQL Injection,
0.0004% Heartbleed).
This dataset was cleaned to deal with missing values.
For those cases of missing values, the entire record was
deleted. As a result, 1,358 records were deleted during this
cleanup process, that is less than a 0.05% of the dataset.
There are two common approaches in scaling the data:
normalization and standardization. Raschka et al. (2022)
argue that standardization may be more practical for
machine learning algorithms due to its mean of 0 and
standard deviation of 1 that facilitates learning weights.
The need for data standardization is typically defined by
the nature of the data itself. Here, to study the impact of
the standardization approach on this dataset, we compared
results with and without standardizing the data.
Figure 1. Methodology diagram.
2.2. Traditional machine learning methods
We chose traditional machine learning algorithms such
as K-NN defined as a method were examples classified by
their nearest neighbor (Cunningham & Delany, 2021) and
SVM defined as algorithms to solve classification and
regression problems (Cortes & Vapnik, 1995). These
algorithms provide a baseline for other experiments.
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INNOVARE. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología. Vol. 12, No. 1, 2023
Figure 1. Methodology diagram.
Figure 2. Best classifiers comparison using standardized data.
We used the implementation provided by the SciKit-
Learn machine learning package for Python (Pedregosa et
al., 2011) to solve a binary classification problem (either
benign or malignant). For classification, the K-NN
algorithm classifies instances based on the classes of their
nearest neighbors in the training set. SVM, on the other
hand, can solve classification and regression problems by
projecting instances into higher dimensional spaces using
kernels. In this work we used linear SVC (LSVC).
2.3. Deep learning methods
The second method used in this research aimed to
experiment with various models of neural networks
(NNs). That is, with two sets of hyperparameters for the
designed neural network architectures. Two main
architectures were developed: SNM and LNM. SNM and
LNM stand for small neural model and large neural
model, the small one has 2 hidden layers (78 inputs → 48
neurons 24 neurons 2 outputs), and the large 5
hidden layers (78 inputs → 64 neurons → 32 neurons →
16 neurons8 neurons → 4 neurons → 2 outputs). Both
models used the cross-entropy loss function
BCEWithLogitsLoss and SGD as the optimization
algorithm. There is no limit for the number of epochs, but
the training will stop if the validation loss does not
decrease after 10 epochs have passed. A batch size of 4096
and learning rate of 0.001 were used, and for the fully
connected layers, both models used sigmoid as the
activation function.
3. Results
The results of the experiments with both traditional
machine learning and deep networks are presented in this
section. In both cases, we also varied the usage of
standardized and non-standardized data.
3.1. Evaluation metrics
We aimed to classify when a connection was benign or
malicious. In the context of binary classification of packet
samples, when a packet is determined to be malicious, we
say that it is a positive, otherwise it is a negative.
However, the prediction can be right or wrong. Correct
predictions are either true positives (TP) or true negatives
(TN). Incorrect predictions are either false positives (FP)
or false negatives (FN). In the context of cyber-attacks, a
false positive does not represent a significant threat to the
user, company, or organization. While a false negative
would let through attacks on the data network, which
could trigger a series of catastrophic events.
Accuracy is defined as the ratio between the correct
predictions (TP + TN) and all predictions. Precision deals
with the percentage of items identified as belonging to a
given class that are of that class (focuses on false
positives). Recall is about the percentage of items in a
class that were successfully identified (focuses on false
negatives). F1-Score is the harmonic mean of precision
and recall and tries to maximize both quantities.
For the neural network experiments, the use of the
Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve was
implemented. This is defined as an evaluation metric for
binary classification problems. It is a probability curve
that plots the TP rate against the FP rate at various
threshold values. The Area Under the Curve (AUC) is the
measure of the ability of a classifier to distinguish
between classes and is used as a summary of the ROC
curve. High AUC values mean that the model is good at
distinguishing between positive and negative classes.
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INNOVARE. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología. Vol. 12, No. 1, 2023
Figure 3. Best classifiers comparison using non-standardized data.
3.1.1. K-Nearest Neighbor
In order to find the best performance for a specific K
in a limited interval, eight different values for K were
used: K = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15}. K-NN classifier
performs slightly better when trained with standardized
data. This classifier with non-standardized and
standardized data performed above 95%, but still got a
slightly better performance when using standardized data
(Figures 2 and 3).
3.1.2. Support vector machines
The linear kernel SVC experiment was performed with
100% of the data. It consisted of 23 different values for C
to find the best performance for a specific C. The values
of C used were the following: C = {0.001, 0.01, 0.10, 1.00,
10.00, 50.00, 100.00, 150.00, 200.00, 250.00, 300.00,
350.00, 400.00, 450.00, 500.00, 600.00, 700.00, 800.00,
1000.00, 1200.00, 1400.00, 1600.00, 2000.00}. This
classifier also performed better when trained with
standardized data. LSVM classifiers performed less than
70% in the F1-score metric with non- standardized data
but performed above 75% with standardized data with the
best two C values for this classifier (Figures 2 and 3).
3.1.3. Neural networks
The NNs models showed a similar behavior like the
traditional machine learning classifiers, based on the F1-
score they got better performance when trained with
standardized data. Both models performed above 90% in
the F1-score, but SNM performed slightly better, reaching
above 95% in this metric (Figures 2 and 3).
4. Discussion
The best performance was chosen based on the F1-
score due to the classifier’s context. Although other works
based their choice on the accuracy, we’ve prioritized a
lower number of FN indicated by a higher recall.
Nevertheless, we sought to achieve high precision.
Therefore, F1-score gave us the best of both.
Tian et al. (2009) method has outperformed other
important works (Bailey et al., 2007; Shafiq et al., 2009)
with a 97% accuracy. Our method outperformed those
works mentioned before with accuracy above 99%.
However, in this study, we focused on the recall and F1-
score in which K-NN classifier obtained the best
performance for non-standardized and standardized data.
The NN models used in this research did not perform
better than traditional machine learning algorithms. This
does not mean that traditional learning algorithms always
perform better than deep learning models. However, no
classifier was superior in all metrics.
The best result for the recall metric with unseen data
was obtained by evaluating the classifier with
standardized data (by tenths). Although the difference is
minimal, it is an improvement on the metric. Likewise,
based on the F1 metric, the model showed a better
performance in the inference with standardized data in
J. C. Soto
INNOVARE. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología. Vol. 12, No. 1, 2023
terms of a lower percentage of overfitting compared to the
inference with non-standardized data. Although the
difference is minimal, it is an improvement in the metric.
The best result for the recall metric with unseen data
was obtained by evaluating the classifier with non-
standardized data. However, there was a more consistent
behavior with standardized data. Although the result
obtained (92.76%) for standardized data is below the
desired value (greater than 95%) in the recall metric, it had
a better precision percentage (67.48%) compared to the
precision percentage obtained for the non-standardized
data (33.30%).
Furthermore, based on the F1 metric, which is in
charge of maximizing precision and recall, the results
showed that the classifier evaluated with unseen data
obtained the best performance for standardized data.
Consequently, the use of data standardization is
recommended for this classifier.
The neural network model SNM obtained better
performance when using standardized data. Likewise, the
data obtained by the inference of the SNM model with
unseen data showed that it reached a maximum of 39.84%
in the recall metric with non-standardized data, compared
to 96.58% with standardized data. Consequently, for the
SNM model with the same hyperparameters, data
standardization is strongly recommended.
Meanwhile, the LNM neural network model obtained
better performance when standardized data was used.
Likewise, the data obtained by the inference of the LNM
model with unseen data showed that it reached a
maximum of 34.63% in the recall metric with non-
standardized data, compared to 97.20% with standardized
data. Same as the previous case, data standardization is
strongly recommended for the LNM model with the same
Our best NN method outperformed Rhode et al. (2018)
work when talking about accuracy abruptly. They
achieved 94% accuracy with Recurrent Neural Network
(RNN) in just 5 seconds, and 96% of accuracy in less than
10 seconds.
Nevertheless, it’s important to consider that our study
did not include execution time to determine the best
method, owing to the lack of hardware with sufficient
computational power to execute the experiments. It’s not
just about evaluation metrics, but execution time. As time
goes by, we need better processes that require less
execution time.
The large dataset we’ve used to make these
experiments (over 2 million samples) compared to the less
than a thousand samples used in other works (Tian et al.,
2009; Bailey et al., 2007; Shafiq et al., 2009) gives us
confidence about the results achieved.
5. Conclusion
A process capable of classifying connections as either
benign or malicious (malware-generated) was
successfully developed. This was carried out using both
traditional machine learning algorithms and deep
learning. Both were able to achieve above 95% in the F1-
score and recall metric. This effectiveness was attained
using only traffic information from the data network.
The NN models used did not perform better than
traditional machine learning algorithms. However, no
classifier was superior in all metrics. The choice of the
best performance was made based on the F1-score due to
the classifier’s context. The best performance was
obtained by the K-NN classifier for non-standardized and
standardized data. The impact of data standardization was
a remarkable finding in the different experiments.
Although it did not have a positive impact on all metrics,
it improved the most relevant metrics to this research (F1
and recall). In general, we can say that the standardization
had a notable impact on the evaluation metrics. In
consequence, the use of data standardization is strongly
6. Acknowledgements
To Dr. Kenny Davila Ph.D for supporting and
mentoring me through the development of this research
work which was originally developed as a graduation
7. Conflicts of Interest
The author declares no conflict of interest.
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