Use and water quality of “El Horno” creek using the “Dutch Index” and macroinvertebrates


  • Yefrin Valladares Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras Tecnológico de Danlí (UNAH-TEC)
  • Alba Osorto Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras Tecnológico de Danlí (UNAH-TEC)
  • Alicia Lanza Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras Tecnológico de Danlí (UNAH-TEC)
  • Néstor Valladares Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH)
  • Daniela Martínez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras Tecnológico de Danlí (UNAH-TEC)



Water, Bioindicators, Pollution, Macroinvertebrates


Introduction. The growth of urbanization and industrialization processes promotes the pollution of the main river systems in Honduras, resulting in the deterioration of these surface water bodies. In order to analyze the use of surface water, a series of indexes have been created to observe variations in pollution levels based on certain physicochemical and biological parameters, including the study of aquatic macroinvertebrates. The study aim was to determine the water quality of the El Horno creek as it passes through Colonia Nueva Esperanza in Danlí, Honduras and its potential use based on the values of the Dutch BMWP-CR and IBF-SV2010 indexes. Methods. Descriptive research of cross-sectional temporality. Three sampling points were defined along the creek, taking measurements and collecting macroinvertebrates to determine the values of each index at these points. Results. According to the Dutch Index, samples taken at the high and middle points were classified within Class III (moderate contamination) while the water at the low point has a Class IV categorization (severe contamination). In addition, the values for the BMWP-CR and IBF-SV 2010 indexes confirmed the poor quality of the water, showing the greatest affectation at the low point. Conclusion. The water of El Horno creek requires advanced treatments that generate a purification of chemical, microbiological and physical contaminants due to the contamination coming from the high and middle point reflected in the macroinvertebrate populations along this water source.


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Uso y calidad del agua de la Quebrada “El Horno” aplicando el “Índice Holandés” y macroinvertebrados (Español (España)) 410



How to Cite

Valladares, Y., Osorto, A., Lanza, A., Valladares, N., & Martínez, D. (2021). Use and water quality of “El Horno” creek using the “Dutch Index” and macroinvertebrates. Innovare: Revista De Ciencia Y tecnología, 10(1), 2–12.



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