
ISSN 2410-5708 / e-ISSN 2313-7215

Year 11 | No. 31 | June - September 2022

Libraries as an engine of social transformation


Leda Xiomara Gutiérrez Molina

National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua

Regional Multidisciplinary Faculty of Carazo


Section: Editorial

The final declaration of Cartagena de Indias CRES Regional (Conference on Higher Education), 2008 refers to the new regional socio-political climate and a paradigm shift related to conceptualizing educational problems. It maintains that education is a social and a public good, a human and a universal right, and a duty of the State, the basis for the strategic role played in the sustainable development processes of the countries of the region (CRES 2018).

In this sense, libraries are fundamental support in the process of strengthening education, both for teachers, students, and researchers to carry out work of scientific relevance, to present quality work in the generation of new knowledge, according to the demands and new educational challenges.

On the other hand, the goal proposed in Cartagena promotes the expansion of social representation by including social sectors and groups historically excluded from the third level. So, it aims simultaneously to achieve greater democratization of the level and to operate positively on discrimination, generating a process of genuine inclusion.

Social inclusion is defined as the “process that ensures that those at risk of poverty and social exclusion have the opportunities and resources necessary to participate in economic, social and cultural life, enjoying a standard of living and well-being that is considered normal in society in which they live”1.

The use of libraries is an educational experience and an example of coexistence like few others in our society. In Ibero-American countries such as Spain, Colombia, Brazil, and Argentina, libraries are appropriating this thought of social inclusion and are developing inclusive work with marginalized sectors of society such as those in rehabilitation for drug addiction, alcoholism, nursing homes, and those who are serving sentences in prison, but not for that reason lacking the right to information.

In our country, libraries are focusing on giving access to scientific information through training of the subscribed Databases, of the institutional repository, they are promoting reading habits by promoting their collections through Reading Clubs, being inclusive with users who, for reasons of poverty, marginality or different capacities, have not had access to books. The UNAN-Managua “Salomón de la Selva” Library has trained its staff in sign language to serve users with hearing abilities.

The Library “Lic. Rafael Sánchez Richardson” of the Multidisciplinary Regional Faculty of Carazo, 2019 has been researching inclusive tasks in promoting reading habits with people deprived of liberty of the “Capitán Gerardo Cordero Chávez” Police Station in Jinotepe, Carazo. The habit of reading has many benefits and one of its benefits is opening the doors to knowledge and giving wings to inspiration and imagination: educating them towards a better society.

That is why the new times require changes in the role of the librarian, moving to new scenarios, evolving by appropriating these challenges that will come to help society, committed to these sectors to help in the full realization of the human being and in correspondence with the guidelines of the National Plan to Fight Poverty and for Human Development 2020-2022.