Anatomy and physical properties of two commercial forest species Cedro (Cedrela odorata L.) and Laurel (Cordia alliodora (Ruiz & Pav.) Oken) in Nicaragua




structures, organoleptic characteristics, basic density, moisture content


In Nicaragua there are no recent studies on anatomical descriptions of the characteristics and properties of wood. The objective of this study was to determine the macroscopic, organoleptic and two physical properties of the commercial species of the country: Cedro (Cedrela odorata L.) and Laurel [Cordia alliodora (Ruiz & Pav.) Oken]. Two individuals of each species were selected; Cedrela odorata samples were collected in León and Cordia alliodora in Masaya. For the felling of the trees, the technical standard 458 of the Pan American Commission of Technical Standards was used. The descriptions of the macroscopic and organoleptic characteristics were made in six samples of each tree, with a manual saw 3 * 3 cm test tubes were obtained, MIRCA files P80, P600, P1000 were used; with the Xilotron, images of the transverse faces were obtained, and the structures were appreciated. To determine the physical properties, 5 * 5 cm test tubes were used, the weight of the wet and anhydrous wood was determined with an analytical balance, then equations were applied to estimate the moisture content and the basic density. Cordia alliodora presented diffuse porosity; vessels mostly solitary, rhombic paratracheal parenchyma. Beige sapwood, light brown heartwood, pleasant, sweet wood odor, non-distinctive flavor, with little sheen or luster, normally straight grain, fine and homogeneous texture and overlapping grain. The moisture content was 43% and the basic density 0.65 g cm3. Cedrela odorata presented weakly circular to semicircular porosity, single and multiple vessels, with dark gums and marginal parenchyma. Pink to reddish brown sapwood, reddish to brown heartwood, characteristic strong aromatic odor, astringent taste, with little shine, grain sometimes slightly crisscrossed, medium texture and soft to the touch, and streaked with slightly visible overlapping arches. The moisture content was 90% and a basic density of 0.5 g cm3.


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How to Cite

González-Luna, H. M., & Cruz-Castillo, J. B. . (2021). Anatomy and physical properties of two commercial forest species Cedro (Cedrela odorata L.) and Laurel (Cordia alliodora (Ruiz & Pav.) Oken) in Nicaragua. La Calera, 21(37), 81–86.



Natural Resources and Environment

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