Water availability in homes and production systems in nine municipalities from Northern Nicaragua, 2017-2018





water availability, water quality, food security, diversification


Water is an element that represents life on the planet and is indispensable in many industrial and agricultural processes, on which the human population depends for subsistence. The purpose of this research was to learn about the availability and quality of water, according to families in agricultural production systems in northern Nicaragua and in the framework of the analysis of resilience to climate change. The univariate and multivariate statistical methods applied included 170 participatory surveys in 20 specific case studies, and field visits by promoters from the “Promotora de Desarrollo Cooperativo de las Segovias” in Estelí. According to the sampling done, household water availability and quality are most affected in the municipalities of Estelí, San Lucas and Quilali. Similarly, the availability of water for irrigation in Estelí and Madriz. The least diversified production systems were found in the municipalities of Estelí, Jalapa, Dipilto and Telpaneca; due to coffee as main crop in there. Three less diversified groups were identified in Estelí and in others with a greater contribution to the food security of families at different times of the year. The municipalities of San Lucas, Dipilto and Jalapa use water for household and agricultural activities. 


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How to Cite

Duarte Canales, H., Flores, M. E. ., Bacon, C. M. ., Benavides González, Álvaro, & Rivas, A. M. . (2021). Water availability in homes and production systems in nine municipalities from Northern Nicaragua, 2017-2018 . La Calera, 21(37), 119–123. https://doi.org/10.5377/calera.v21i37.12859



Rural Development