Agro socioeconomic analysis of ten farms El Quinal Community of Santa Teresa Carazo, Nicaragua, 2020 - 2021




Cash balance, simple reproduction threshold, labor productivity, human labor unit


One of the extension and research strategies is to strengthen alliances between municipal governments, society and academia. This research was conducted in the community of El Quinal, municipality of Santa Teresa-Carazo, Nicaragua. The objective was to carry out an agro-socioeconomic and technical analysis with a system approach in ten farms (production system). The methodological design was carried out in four phases, being phase I the organization and review of bibliographic sources, phase II referred to data collection through interviews with producers in the farms, phase III oriented to data analysis and processing, and phase IV corresponds to the presentation of the final report to producers and local authorities. The study was based on a non-experimental participatory local system. The sample universe was 60 farms, the type of sample was non-probabilistic and by convenience, since 10 farms were selected according to the research needs; the study variables were socioeconomic and technical-productive; the indicators measured were schooling attained, human labor unit, labor force, family expenses, simple reproduction threshold, physical yield of the land, labor productivity and cash balance. The results show that 45% of the families do not finish primary school, the average human labor unit is 3.27 man days, 50% of the family labor is used on the farms, the main expense of the family is food, 70% of the families are in subsistence conditions according to the simple reproduction threshold indicator. 27 man days, there is 50% of family labor used on the farms, the main expense of the family is food, 70% of the families are in subsistence conditions according to the simple reproduction threshold indicator, the main crops are corn, beans and sorghum and most of them are not able to match the yields at national level, the productivity of labor exceeds the value of payment of one man day and regarding the economic balance, seven of the 10 farms have negative balances at the end of the year. In conclusion, only 30% of the families per farm are able to satisfy their basic needs and can replenish the means of production for the following cycle.


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How to Cite

Pineda Rizo, O. M., Guzmán Guillen, F., Jarquín Sánchez, E. J. ., & Dumas, M. A. . (2023). Agro socioeconomic analysis of ten farms El Quinal Community of Santa Teresa Carazo, Nicaragua, 2020 - 2021. La Calera, 23(41), 139–146.


