Fragmentation, Food Association, Terrestrials VertebratesAbstract
Considering the effects of habitat degradation due to forest
fragmentation that Nicaragua is facing, it is extremely important
to know wildlife species that maintain ecological relationship
and promote the development of vegetation as a result of their
activities and habits. The goal of this study was to determine
and compare the diversity of wildlife (terrestrials vertebrates)
into two fragments of dry forest with different ages and sizes
(15 years old, 3.5 ha, 11 years old, 2.8 ha) and identify the food
guild of species found. Six transects 20 x 100 m were placed
in the fragment forest aged 15 years (La Chipopa), and three
transects with the same size in the fragment forest aged 11 years
(La Zorra). The diversity of amphibians, reptiles and mammals
species were evaluated. At the end of each transept a sampling
point was established, it had a radio of 25 m in order to assess
birds Diversity. There were 17 observations spread over eight
months. As a results 2 species of amphibians were determined,
10 reptiles, 26 birds and 7 mammals. Species richness for the
four groups was higher in La Zorra (69 species) compared with
La Chipopa (49 species). The diversity rates Shannon-Wiener
and Simpson, showed greater diversity of reptiles, birds and
mammals at La Zorra. Nine food associations were identified
in the two forests fragments. Insectivorous was the largest food
association, involving 26 species. Considering food guilds that
generate seeds and fruits dispersals and work in pollination,
Frugivorous, Seeds Eater and Nectarivoros, were determined
12, 2 and 10 species respectively. Despite the differences in
ages and sizes, La Zorra had more wildlife diversity compared
with La Chipopa, but these differences were not significant.
The presence of Frugivorous and seeds eaters was very low in
both places. There was one pollinator specie. The 44 % of the
species were exclusively from managed forests and opened
Keywords: Fragmentation; Food Association; Terrestrials
DOI: 10.5377/calera.v9i12.2