EXPERIMENTAL INTOXICATION IN HOLSTEIN CALVES WITH <i>Ageratum houstonianum</i> Mill (Celestina azul) AND <i>Lantana camara</i> L. (Filigrana, Verbena Morada, Cinco negritos)


  • José Manuel Aparicio-Medina Ph.D. Docente - Investigador, Universidad Agriaria de la Habana
  • Varinia Paredes-Vanegas MSc. Docente - Investigador FACA-UNA Managua




Photosensibilization, plants, hemorrhagic, dermatitis, poisonous plants


The secondary photo-sensibilization has been studied by veterinarian services since the last century, establishing Lantana camara (Purple verbena) as a cause of illness where the animals presented hemorrhagic and dermatitis, the presence of photosensitizing plants, neither dermatitis caused by another cause according to the laboratories results not being reported, only the evidence of the consumption with forage of Ageratum houstonianum Mill. This study was carried out starting from the formation of two groups of animals (calves) intoxicated experimentally with A. houstonianum and L. camara. We studied aspects of the triad, duration of bleeding and clotting disorders in which there was evidence of alteration to the physiological parameters of the species in the treated animals. The statistical analyses were based on t student and lineal regression.

Keywords: Photosensibilization Plants, Photosensibilization, hemorrhagic, dermatitis, poisonous plants

DOI: 10.5377/calera.v10i14.28


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How to Cite

Aparicio-Medina, J. M., & Paredes-Vanegas, V. (2010). EXPERIMENTAL INTOXICATION IN HOLSTEIN CALVES WITH <i>Ageratum houstonianum</i> Mill (Celestina azul) AND <i>Lantana camara</i> L. (Filigrana, Verbena Morada, Cinco negritos). La Calera, 10(14), 58–63. https://doi.org/10.5377/calera.v10i14.28



Animal Health

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