Evaluation of four varieties of tomato (<i>Lycopersicum esculentum</i>, Mill) on the yield and tolerance to complex whitefly (<i>Bemisia tabaci</i> Gennadius) - Geminivirus


  • Edgardo Jiménez-Martínez Ph.D. Entomología, Universidad Nacional Agraria, Managua
  • Wilber Gutiérrez
  • Carlos González




Tomato, Bemisia tabaci, incidence, severity, yield


The aim of this study was to evaluate four industrial tomato varieties in order to determine total yield and the level of tolerance to the whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) – geminivirus complex, the study was carried out in the municipality of Ciudad Sandino, Managua in the period from December 2007 to March 2008. In this trial, four varieties of industrial tomato UC-82, Peto-98, INTA-L7 and Padano were evaluated. The study took place on the fields of the Fenix Foundation. Tomato seedlings of the four varieties were planted under microgreenhouse conditions, these seedlings were used to establish the experiment in the field. Plants were established under drip irrigation system because of the dry season. The experimental design used for the experiment was a randomized complete block design. The variables taken were: number of whitefly per plant, percentage on incidence and severity of the viral disease and total yields (kg / ha) per plant. Data of each variable were evaluated by an analysis of variance and mean separation using Duncan. Results indicated that the higher number of whitefly adults per plant, were found on Padano and INTA-L7, and the varieties that showed lower number of whitefly per plant were Peto-98 and UC-82. Regarding about the incidence of the viral disease, the variety INTA-L7 presented the lowest percentage of virus symptoms, followed by the variety Padano, Peto-98 and UC-82. In the variable virus severity, the cultivar INTA-L7 presented the lowest disease severity followed by UC-82, and Peto-98, the variety Padano showed the highest virus severity. INTA-L7 and Peto- 98 resulted with the highest yield compared to UC-82 and Padano. According to the economic analysis, the varieties Padano and UC-82 were dominated by the varieties Peto-98 and INTA-L7.

Keywords: Tomato; Bemisia tabaci; incidence; severity; yield.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/calera.v10i15.663  


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How to Cite

Jiménez-Martínez, E., Gutiérrez, W., & González, C. (2012). Evaluation of four varieties of tomato (<i>Lycopersicum esculentum</i>, Mill) on the yield and tolerance to complex whitefly (<i>Bemisia tabaci</i> Gennadius) - Geminivirus. La Calera, 10(15), 5–15. https://doi.org/10.5377/calera.v10i15.663




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