Assessment of impacts on food security project field school (FFS) led to small farm families in the communities Terrero and Mamey in the Municipality of San José de Cusmapa, Madriz


  • Elgin Vivas Viachica PhD. Facultad de Desarrollo Rural, Universidad Nacional Agraria
  • Johanna del Carmen Herrera Ampie
  • Ahmed Avilés Sequeira



Food security, Impact, Practice Schools, Availability, Access, Diversification, Standard of life, Knowledge


The current reality of the municipality of San José de Cusmapa, Madriz, raises the necessity to perform programs that contribute to solve problems of Food Security of the communities. One of the most important projects is the Field School (escuelas de campo), developed in the communities of El Terrero and Mamey since year 2004. In order to evaluate the impact of the field school project, the families who culminated the process were objet of study. Surveys were done in the homes of each one of the beneficiaries, as well as, interviews for technicians who worked in the implementation of the project. This study reveals that “Field Schools” offered to the participant knowledge in Integrated Crop Management, Integrated Pest Management, commercialization, and water and soil conservation, leading to an increase in the area planted and diversification of production of the beneficiaries. This situation contributed to the availability and access of food, and improved the pattern of food intake. A positive impact is the diversification in the production of the beneficiaries. The families have introduced new crops such as vegetables, fruits and tubers. Forty eight percent of the families grow the three basic crops (corn, bean, sorghum) and have incorporated to their areas vegetables such as tomato, sweet pepper, cabbage and onion. Fourteen percent of the families grow the three basic grains, as well as, vegetables and fruits (avocado, citruses, and mangos) and a 4.8 % have incorporated vegetables, fruits and tubers to their basic grains. Nine per  cent of the beneficiaries grow fruits and Tubers, plus corn, common bean and sorghum.



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How to Cite

Viachica, E. V., Herrera Ampie, J. del C., & Sequeira, A. A. (2012). Assessment of impacts on food security project field school (FFS) led to small farm families in the communities Terrero and Mamey in the Municipality of San José de Cusmapa, Madriz. La Calera, 10(15), 62–68.


