Impact assessment of the Organization for Economic and Social Development for the Urban and Rural Area (ODESAR) in conditions of life in five communities in the municipality of San Dionisio, Matagalpa, Nicaragua in the period 2000 to 2006


  • Fidel Guzmán Guillén Ingeniero Agrónomo, MSc. Departamento de Desarrollo Rural
  • Flor del Consuelo Martínez Soriano Licenciada en Extensión Rural. Organización para el Desarrollo Económico y Social para el Área Urbana y Rural (ODESAR)



Evaluación de impacto, condiciones de vida, capacitación, desechos orgánicos, lecciones aprendidas, acceso a los alimentos, cultivos e ingresos


The present study was carried out in the municipality of San Dionisio, Matagalpa’s department, Nicaragua. The aim of the study was to identify the impact that ODESAR (Organization for Economical and Social Development for Urban and Rural Areas) has had in improvement the living conditions of families who take part in a project developed in five communities in the period from year 2000 to year 2006. In the study three variables were defined: training and technical assistance, productive income, use and managing of the organic waste and learned lessons. The analysis of the collected information shows that the productive component that ODESAR developed with the project, had a determinant impact in the families involved, who improved his living conditions. Concerning productive income, all the producers report an increases in 2006 compared with year 2000; Corozo for example, increased in almost five times more and Wibuse in more than 4 times. Furthermore, 87% of the producers improved access to food and 72% improved the managing of the organic waste. In learned lessons, the producers think that an important learning is the rescue of values such as solidarity, which has allowed them to advance in the diversification of production. They emphasize the utilization of the land to produce food, to sell the surpluses and to buy what is not produced in his land.



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How to Cite

Guillén, F. G., & Martínez Soriano, F. del C. (2012). Impact assessment of the Organization for Economic and Social Development for the Urban and Rural Area (ODESAR) in conditions of life in five communities in the municipality of San Dionisio, Matagalpa, Nicaragua in the period 2000 to 2006. La Calera, 10(15), 78–84.




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