Planning at school, some of their production conditions


  • Mariana Alonso Brá Mágister Sc. en Administración Pública Profesora adjunta FCE-UBA Profesora titular FF y L-UBA CESOT- Centro de Sociología del Trabajo-FCE-UBA; Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación –FFyL-Universidad de Buenos Aires



Planning, educational planning, educational bureaucracy and postbureaucracy, education, Argentina


This work aims to present the historical conditions of educational planning, alluding to its history, their assumptions, its logical and some of its transformations to promote a better understanding.

This interest to explain some of its main production conditions is related to its resurgence and growing prominence in educational politics (and not only), associated to public education strengthening, as the other side of the coin of the 90s reformist educational policy.

Also, one would note that these production conditions are considered from issues such as: their relationship with politics and public administration, its technical condition versus their political status, their specific nature related to the educational, and their continuous ruptures in the time; considering some of its foundational characteristics –bureaucratic- in relation with educational transformations reform -post-bureaucratic-, and recent years situation (postreformist).

This set of topics are treated with the purpose of design the planning in the educational field since new planes that exceed the merely technical and prescriptive, allowing its broader understanding, even in current diversity, and promoting not only its study but a technique intervention at better informed matter.

Finally, it is worth to clarify that this Article refers to the current situation in Argentina. Although by one hand, this is presented from broader international references, and, by another, this national situation is clearly equivalent with a vast Latin American framework, especially one which is recently considered as “progressive governments” in the region.

Revista Ciencia, Cultura y Sociedad Vol.2 No.1 January-June 2015; 16-26


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How to Cite

Alonso Brá, M. (2016). Planning at school, some of their production conditions. Ciencia, Cultura Y Sociedad, 2(1), 16–26.



Investigation Article