Conflict in the use of urban land and the Acoustic easement of the Tela airfield


  • Omri Alberto Amaya Carías Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras



Aeronautical Servitude, Land Use, Acoustic Pollution.


This article addresses the results obtained in the research carried out in the space of the presentation of the Thesis by the author in the Master’s Degree in Land Use Planning and Management of the National Autonomous University of Honduras, in which the need to analyze a topic was detected that it is not only of purely aeronautical interest, but also of importance for the community that houses an airport infrastructure; Hence, a thesis project on the proposed subject is considered an imperative in both perspectives: that of Territorial Planning and that of Aeronautics. This document addresses the issue of Acoustic Easement of Aerodromes and its influence on urban soils in the city of Tela; national and international legislation is applied to show the important harmonization of land use and the influence of the aerodrome, in a perspective of strategic planning of the territory; Hence, the incorporation of the results of this research into the Municipality’s Land Use Plan is considered essential. This article includes an extremely important element such as the technical part corresponding to the aerodromes, that is, the determination of the acoustic easement in their pollution levels in units of measurement called decibels (dB), additional said determination in the projected operations by the Honduran Civil Aeronautics Agency in the next ten years, the characteristics of the aerodrome, the surrounding environment and the type of aircraft that are projected to operate in it.


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Author Biography

Omri Alberto Amaya Carías, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

Departamento de Ciencias Aeronáuticas, Facultad de Ciencias Espaciales. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH)



How to Cite

Amaya Carías, O. A. (2021). Conflict in the use of urban land and the Acoustic easement of the Tela airfield. Ciencias Espaciales, 13(1), 145–155.



Aeronautical Sciences