Energy efficiency analysis and study of improvements to the building services AENA Aeropuerto Cuatro Vientos Madrid
Energy efficiency, Energy Demand, Geothermal, Solar ThermalAbstract
This article presents the results obtained during the Final Work Project of the master’s degree in Air Transport Systems of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, which seeks to carry out an analysis of the Energy Efficiency of the Services Building that is part of the Cuatro Vientos Aerodrome, obtaining its Qualification Energy and analyze different actions that improve the efficient use of resources.
The study begins by making a model of the building using the "Herramienta Unificada LIDER – CALENER (HULC)” where the technical characteristics of the materials that make up the infrastructures and their geometry are entered to quantify the energy supplied to the building, the efficiency with which energy is transformed based on its energy demand. In addition, the building’s energy rating is obtained based on the "Código Técnico de la Edificación (CTE)".
This rating allows locating the energy performance of the building on a scale that compares it with similar buildings and adjusts its rating to comply with rules and regulations to subsequently identify alternatives that allow improving the efficiency of energy interactions, either by improving the efficiency of existing equipment, change of energy sources or replacement of technologies of existing elements.
In the case of the Cuatro Vientos Airport study, the main improvement alternatives are summarized in Geothermal Air Conditioning and Solar Thermal Sanitary Hot Water, from which the technical-economic parameters that define the viability of the proposals are analyzed in search of a better energy performance that favors the business line and mainly reduces the environmental impact.