Analysis of spectral patterns of the land and hydrological changes from multisensor data in natural areas of southern Costa Rica


  • Sofia Esono Mangue Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM
  • Juan Gregorio Rejas Ayuga Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM
  • J Bonatti Universidad de Costa Rica, UCR
  • Rubén Martínez Marín Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Miguel Marchamalo Sacristán Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM
  • Nur Algeef Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM
  • Jesús Fernández Moya Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM



hyperspectral, multispectral, hydrology, land cover, change detection


This study presents changes in land cover and its environmental impact in interest areas of natural and semi-urban zones of southern Costa Rica, including the nature reserve of the Corcovado Park and the Sierpe lagoon.

Data from HyMap and MASTER airborne sensors are used in this research, as well as ASTER and ETM+ images taken in a period between 1990 and 2010. Land cover and water surfaces are analyzed by supervised digital classification using radiometry data field, considered as indicative of possible environmental pollution or overexploitation of resources effects that could be affecting the area. Therefore, first obtained results and generated mapping are useful to assess the condition and evolution of land use.

Revista Ciencias Espaciales, Volumen 8, Número 1 Primavera, 2015; 277-293


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How to Cite

Esono Mangue, S., Rejas Ayuga, J. G., Bonatti, J., Martínez Marín, R., Marchamalo Sacristán, M., Algeef, N., & Fernández Moya, J. (2015). Analysis of spectral patterns of the land and hydrological changes from multisensor data in natural areas of southern Costa Rica. Ciencias Espaciales, 8(1), 277–293.



Natural Resources, Environment Climate Change