Creating a file geodatabase geodetic general management of land and geography, Honduras
DGCG, Cartography, Geodatabases (satos bases), Feature data set, Feature ClassAbstract
In the context of professional practice expertise in Planning and Land Management, was developed to create a geodatabase in the Cadastre and Geography (DGCG), which would be the start to a database more secure and organized, which allows a better distribution of geographic data for this mapping generating reliable and highly qualified.
Creating the Geodatabase allowed the development order digital files of map sheets, city maps, city maps, official map of the territory of Honduras and others that are generated from the mapping department DGCG.
For the creation of the Geodatabase methodology was used which consisted of a sequential process steps including: generation File Geodatabases, Feature data set and Features Class, followed by migration of digital data in shapefile format developed in the program Arc View the ESRI ArcMap program, where they found files from shapefiles, tables, and other compatible raster data structure natively. At the same time a comparison of the database created with the existing order to identify any weaknesses or potential improvements of both the geodatabase and the way to create digital files generated within the DGCG.
It is concluded that the creation of a geodatabase for DGCG enable short, medium and long term proper management of information, best editing, updating and management of geographic data department DGCG Mapping.
Revista Ciencias Espaciales, Volumen 8, Número 1 Primavera, 2015; 509-519