The Concept of Urban Ladera
urban slopes, urban planning, social construction of habitat, risk managementAbstract
Closing the ninety-nineties Central America was drastically affected by the hydrometeorological phenomenon “Mitch”, the disaster exposed the structural weaknesses with which the human settlements were built for decades and especially the extreme vulnerability of the exposed population. Different international institutions and the national government have supported actions to reduce vulnerability and generated more knowledge and awareness about disaster risks and hazards; The OAS, CEPREDENAC, CEPAL, World Bank, IDB, UNDP, LA RED are among the ones with the largest presence in the region.
The advances in the subject have clarified concepts, generated instruments for risk management and disaster prevention; this from the point of view that disasters are not natural, human intervention plays a fundamental role in deepening the effects of the hazards.
This discussion is carried upon the need to include risk management as part of the urban planning matrix, and not as something external, is of particular interest the relationship between the geophysical landscape and the layout and land use of the human settlements. With the Concept of Urban Slopes, we delve into the specificity of this particular type of city that is common to many cities on the planet.
Revista Ciencias Espaciales, Vol.4(1) 2011, 41-61