Influence of forestry in the incidence of dendroctonus frontalis, Campamento, Olancho, through information technologies geographic, 2000-2016


  • Javier Enrique Meza Antúnez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras



Geographic Information Systems, Spatial Analysis, Spatial Autocorrelation, Spatial Association, Forestry


The present research aims to develop a scientific response to the problem of the pine bark beetle, making a comparison between the forests that have been treated under forestry versus the forests that have not received any treatment in the municipality of Campamento, Olancho, to determine the influence of forestry on these plague outbreaks of Dendroctonus frontalis. The general objective was to analyze the variations in the incidence of silviculture the impact of the pest of bark beetle Dendroctonus frontalis pine, determined by Geographic Information Technologies in the municipality of Campamento, Olancho, in the period 2000-2016. This analysis will be done using technological tools such as Geographic. information Systems, to determine if there are differences in the damage caused by the pine bark beetle. To achieve these objectives, spatial analysis tools available in specialized software will be used to perform a spatial analysis of the different geographic data. The identification and analysis of the influence of silviculture on the incidence of pine bark beetle advance will be made through the methodologies and spatial analysis techniques that can be carried out using GIS. It was concluded that there is a percentage variation in the incidence of forestry of 19.86% in the area affected by pine forest plague and mixed forest without forest management in the study area equivalent to 466.52 hectares. In addition, there is a percentage variation in the incidence of forestry of 14.54% in the area affected by pine forest plague and mixed forest with forest management in the study area equivalent to 1959.65 hectares.


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Author Biography

Javier Enrique Meza Antúnez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica, Facultad de Ciencias Espaciales, UNAH



How to Cite

Meza Antúnez, J. E. (2019). Influence of forestry in the incidence of dendroctonus frontalis, Campamento, Olancho, through information technologies geographic, 2000-2016. Ciencias Espaciales, 12(1), 40–51.



Science and Geographic Information Technologies