Development in Honduras or Development of Honduras?


  • Jorge H. Orellana CUROC-UNAH



Desarrollo, pobreza, desigualdad, mito, fantasma, crecimiento, economía, modelo, subdesarrollo


The development has been one of these harmful words that for decades has poisoned society. The development is understood as a goal that all countries must reach an inevitable destiny where reigns the maximization of wealth, promotes individualism over community sense and rapidly destroy our Mother Earth. That development has become a trap that transcends the economic and the political and culturally has taken root in the minds of the population. This paper presents various assessments of the notion of development, highlights the assumptions behind their connotations.

Questions the fact that poverty, or poverties, reduction is not enough to copy recipes and models, many of them failed, it is looking for other alternatives, is looking at the world through different eyes; It is to represent Honduras as our own to transform it. In this country lied, oppressed, robbed, abducted and punished for corruption, poverty has continued to grow despite the many interventions called development. Therefore, we need a different way of acting; create a thought that denature the shameful social exclusion suffered by these people, we need a real cognitive justice; study reality in ascending to comprehend and understand; it is necessary to reconsider and analyze assumptions of so many men and women who have loved and served his nation; because talking and do more of it will mean to be faithful witnesses of exclusion and poverty, myths and development ghosts that refuse to disappear in this noble country called Honduras.

 Economía y Administración (E&A) Vol.6(1) 2015


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How to Cite

Orellana, J. H. (2016). Development in Honduras or Development of Honduras?. Economía Y Administración (E&Amp;A), 6(1).


