Education and income per capita in Honduras


  • Mario Ramos Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Carrera de Economía Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras
  • Carla Soliz Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Carrera de Economía Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras
  • Israel Enrique Hernández Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Carrera de Economía Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras
  • Melissa Redondo Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Carrera de Economía Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras
  • Carmen Hernández Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Carrera de Economía Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras



education, income, education level, income level, human capital theory, theory of experience


Education and income, two variables that are of current interest; they can be contrasted with both the quality of human capital and the quality of life of people in a country. That is why this research aims to test whether the level of income received a Honduran increases as education level increases; for which it has made an overview of progress in education and income level per capita in Honduras, in the period 1990-2013; and has developed a cross-sectional model 2013, using the theory of human capital theory of Becker and Mincer experience as a base. The coefficients in the model represent the magnitude of the returns to education are reflected in the income of Honduran households. The model results show that a Honduran with a level of complete primary education receives 14.4% more income than someone who has no education; if the person has completed secondary education, 74.5% perceived more income; and if you have a higher educational level, receives a 108.1% more income.


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How to Cite

Ramos, M., Soliz, C., Hernández, I. E., Redondo, M., & Hernández, C. (2017). Education and income per capita in Honduras. Economía Y Administración (E&A), 7(1), 41–64.


