Ethics of Development and Education for Development, or Maximization of Profit
Economy, Education, Progress, profit maximizationAbstract
E. Albuquerque (2001) "what the social change this postulate is ethically responsible science and technology at the service of man and life, making economic assessments that include biodiversity, appropriate use of resources and justice and the distribution equity. The human being is part of nature and should feel responsible to her, kept and retained, can not act arbitrarily, we can not continue to destroy what is essential to life, this is the ethical responsibility. The human being is the subject of economic activity and through their work made possible the production of large quantities of goods necessary for the members of society can live in dignity. F. Hinkelammert and H. M. Mora (2001) "To live, man must continually produce and consume (play), at least the resources it needs for physical survival, biological, anthropological." P.24. In the process of producing goods in which the significant element is the work of the various elements interrelate people working in the economic life of society, involving not only technical but human relationships, as organizers and executors of production.
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