Importance of significative learning in the construction of the knowledge




Knowledge Acquisition, significative learning, constructivism, approach, pedagogy, bibliographic review


This following article presents a bibliographic review on significative learning proposed by David Ausubel, describing it’s meaning, nature, and characteristic, with the objective of analyzing its value in higher education. Likewise, the characteristics of potentially significant learning material, types of significative learning, and the acquisition of knowledge are explained. It is based on the premise that the significative learning arises when the student, as the constructor of self-knowledge, relates the concepts to be learned and gives them a meaning based on the conceptual structure the student already possesses. In this way, the student construct new knowledge by relating new concepts to the experience they already have. This article approaches in a particular way the relevance of this type of learning applied to higher education, specifically to UNAN-Managua. To this end, documentary research was applied, as a qualitative, exploratory, and analytical research technique for the collection of relevant information on the importance of significative learning in the construction of knowledge, thus, information was collected, and selected by reading documents, books, journal, newspaper, bibliographies, etc. It was concluded that significative learning is a challenge and an opportunity for the construction of the new knowledge, which implies the need for structural changes in higher education in order to qualify future professionals with a critical, proactive and reflective attitude


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How to Cite

Roa Rocha, J. C. (2021). Importance of significative learning in the construction of the knowledge. Revista Científica De La FAREM-Estelí, 63–75.