Repository of audiovisual resources for the subject Structural Mechanics Modeling of Structures




Repositories, teaching media, audiovisual resources, teaching and professional learning


This research focuses on one of the problems that has the greatest impact on the professional training process of the Civil Engineer; it refers to the professional teaching-learning process of the subject Mechanical Modeling of Structures conceived in the Plan E of the Civil Engineering career. The use of educational technologies has a very favorable impact on the curricular process of the basic and general subjects, and particularly on the technical disciplines, in the conception of the curricular design of the program of the subject Mechanical Modeling of Structures for the Study Plan D of this career at the University of Holguin, the use of audiovisual resources with didactic purposes was not up to its formative potentialities, which did not favor the curricular dynamics of the same. It was assumed the purpose of creating a repository of audiovisual resources to favor the professional teaching-learning process of the subject Structural Mechanics Modeling for Plan E of the Civil Engineering career at the University of Holguin. The achievement of the proposed purpose was possible due to the application of scientific research methods of theoretical, empirical and mathematical-statistical nature.


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How to Cite

Medina Pérez, Y., Cruz Cabezas, M. A., Enríquez Roche, S. B., & Sondón González, I. C. (2022). Repository of audiovisual resources for the subject Structural Mechanics Modeling of Structures. Revista Científica De La FAREM-Estelí, 11(3), 145–166.