Methodological considerations for the elaboration of the road project in the Civil Engineering career. University of Holguin, Cuba




Project based learning, curricular design, methodological work, professional teaching-learning process


Modern society presents a process of continuous change imposed by the advance of science and technology. In the last decades these have reached a vertiginous boom that has given way to new ways of transmitting knowledge, so virtual teaching and learning environments have acquired particular relevance nowadays. Increasing the quality of these spaces must be associated to an adequate methodological work that guarantees a continuous improvement and a better acquisition of knowledge by the students. In the case of the Civil Engineering career at the University of Holguin, the methodological work is a necessity for the improvement of the programs of the subjects of the Study Plan E and to improve the professional teaching-learning process so that the students can fulfill the demands of the professional model and those imposed by the business world to the career.  For this reason, the methodological considerations established for the subject Road Project in this university are presented, seeking to contribute to the training of civil engineers capable of analyzing, planning, designing, and executing the management and maintenance of civil works, using project based learning with a view to achieving growth and competent professional performance of students in construction companies in the territory.


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How to Cite

Boza Regueira, M. H., & Silva Cruz, M. (2024). Methodological considerations for the elaboration of the road project in the Civil Engineering career. University of Holguin, Cuba. Revista Científica De La FAREM-Estelí, 13(49), 76–93.



Science Education