Popular education, educational alternative to build citizenship from early childhood in early education


  • Nadia Rovira Fernández
  • Daysi Edith Osorio




Popular Education, childhood, citizenship, early childhood education


The need to generate new alternatives to promote the exercise of citizenship, as a way to prevent the violation of rights was the starting point for implementing a process of qualitative research, based on participatory action research that was primarily aimed at the construction of a methodology to guide the learning process to strengthen the exercise of citizenship in early childhood from Popular Education in early childhood education. Popular Education has been a stream through which learning processes have been developed that have contributed to the liberation of persons; What if implemented from the early age of the persons, so they learn to exercise it as citizens? How could this trend be applied for girls and preschool children? The answers to these questions and other results are shared in this article.


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Author Biographies

Nadia Rovira Fernández

Profesional en psicología, con experiencia en la formación comunitaria, a través de la ejecución de proyectos que promueven la calidad de vida en las comunidades.

Daysi Edith Osorio

Máster en Investigación Social/Con experiencia en Acompañamiento de procesos formativos con el enfoque de Educación Popular/Psicóloga Psico-corporal/Profesora de Biodanza/Actualmente Docente en la UCA en El Salvador/Profesional Independiente.



How to Cite

Fernández, N. R., & Osorio, D. E. (2016). Popular education, educational alternative to build citizenship from early childhood in early education. Revista Científica De La FAREM-Estelí, (13), 14–22. https://doi.org/10.5377/farem.v0i13.2562



Science Education