Resilience in women survivors of gender violenceq


  • Matilde Jahayra Gutiérrez Torres
  • Naví Rodríguez Rivera



Women, Resilience, Violence.


As a result of the research with women survivors of violence, this article pretend to understand the relevant practices of three resilient women who have experienced emotional violence in gender relations, belonging to social strata of working class. It is a contribution to the reflection of other women who are in the process of leaving the cycle of violence in Esteli City. The research strategy is qualitative, collecting data by in-depth interviewing. To explore the topic was created a focus group and the method of inquiry is based in stories cross and parallel lives (Manuel Pujadas, 2000) Due to the subordination condition lived by women for the prevalence of patriarchy in the society; the factors that have motivated to the women to leave the violence, have been dipped, how they achieve to strengthen themselves, despite all the conditions of risk that they face and what mechanisms they implement in the act out of violence. To investigate and analyze about the emotional factors, that it strengthen in women once that they have left the violence, is relevant.


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Author Biographies

Matilde Jahayra Gutiérrez Torres

Licenciada en Psicología, con conocimientos básicos sobre Derechos de la Niñez, Género, Gestión, Formulación, Administración y Desarrollo de Proyectos Sociales. Con habilidades para el trabajo en equipo, comunicación asertiva y fortalecimiento de capacidades colectivas y personales.

Naví Rodríguez Rivera

Master en Investigación Social Cualitativa y Políticas Públicas con experiencia en el campo de los derechos humanos (género, educación, derecho a la tierra, organizaciones sindicales, comunicación en salud sexual y reproductiva, adolescencia y niñez). Facilitadora de ABACOenRed y de procesos de Formación en UPOLI-Managua y organismos no gubernamentales en las Segovias-Nicaragua.



How to Cite

Gutiérrez Torres, M. J., & Rodríguez Rivera, N. (2016). Resilience in women survivors of gender violenceq. Revista Científica Estelí, (13), 75–80.



Social Science