Characterization of the Coexistence and Citizen Security program within the framework of the National Human Development Plan (PNDH)


  • Helen Selena Vanegas Hernández UNAN-Managua/FAREM-Estelí
  • Luis Emilio Guillén Flores UNAN-Managua/FAREM-Estelí
  • Carlos Eduardo Roque Acevedo UNAN-Managua/FAREM-Estelí
  • Beverly Castillo Herrera UNAN-Managua/FAREM-Estelí



Safety, citizens, developing, police, participation.


Latin America is characterized by confronting developing problems, is by that that they implement policies that favor the people so they can benefit from these policies, the point or task of these policies is to take citizens away from poverty, giving them tools to achieve higher levels in life, this is possible thanks to the humanist sustainability that allows the use of their resources in a fair and equitable matter, providing them with instruments that are useful to better their knowledge as a nation, that’s why an open citizen participation is necessary a participation in which generates debates and positive ideas for governors, there are some natural and human phenomenon that do not allow for this progress for the nation to take place, the unemployment factor causes a not safe environment, is because of that, that there is more delinquency and gangs coming abroad, which they can greatly affect the peace and tranquility of the towns and cities, there are very few nations that promote an integral coexistence and safety in which the population are the main character, Nicaragua is a good example, known thru all the regions to guarantee high levels of safety, this is possible thanks to a model that contributes and pleads for incorporation, high quality education in Nicaragua is free, Nicaragua is retaining wall in the region putting a stop to delinquency and drug trafficking that can greatly affect the Nicaraguan youth.


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How to Cite

Vanegas Hernández, H. S., Guillén Flores, L. E., Roque Acevedo, C. E., & Castillo Herrera, B. (2017). Characterization of the Coexistence and Citizen Security program within the framework of the National Human Development Plan (PNDH). Revista Científica De La FAREM-Estelí, 45–59.