The high school student movement in Matagalpa as part of the revolutionary struggle 1975-1979




high school, High school student association (AES), guy


The student movements in Nicaragua have been present in the historical future of the nation and have had an impact since the beginning of the process of independence of Spain in 1821, although the participation of students during some periods was not visible in society, it should be noted that they have played a fundamental role in the formation of the Nation State and therefore of the historical memory of the country. The Association of Secondary Students must be conceived as a particular movement in Latin America, since it was led by high school students, without conducting the university students of León, Managua or Carazo. These high school students developed various activities of organization, agitation and mobilization in the city of Matagalpa until they reached one of their best known actions as was the "Insurrection of the boys", element that highlights and particularizes it, in the same way they play an important role with their participation in the Sandinista National Liberation Front that guards the overthrow of the Somoza Military Dictatorship on July 19, 1979, which they took standout as grassroots and intermediate cadnois at the Regional Faustino Ruiz "El Cuje".


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Author Biography

Salvador Gutiérrez Buschting, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua. UNAN-Managua

Master en derecho público, derecho penal y procesal penal por el Instituto de Estudios e Investigaciones Jurídicas (INEJ), doctorando en primera corte del programa de Doctorado en Historia con mención en Estudios Regionales y Locales Transdisciplinarios de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua UNAN Managua, con estudios de defensa y seguridad nacional en China Taiwán, España y Nicaragua; ha sido colaborador en el libro de la defensa y seguridad nacional de Nicaragua, actualmente profesor horario externo del departamento de Geografía de la facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Jurídicas de la UNAN-Managua. )



How to Cite

Gutiérrez Buschting, S. (2020). The high school student movement in Matagalpa as part of the revolutionary struggle 1975-1979. Revista Humanismo Y Cambio Social, (16), 47–58.