Emergence and Development of Higher Education, in correspondence with the bicentennial of the Independence of Central America and the reform of Córdoba, and prospects for 2030





Cordoba Reform, Independence Act, University Development, Quality, Higher education


The present study tries to make known the causes that gave rise to the independence of Nicaragua at the historical moment, as well as the consequences of the university reform of Córdoba and how the university of the 21st century, it is routed toward a new horizon of qualification of the new professional citizen capable of solving problems sensitive to society, as well as doing a reflective exercise toward the emerging, the challenges and challenges of the university of according to the 2030 agenda.It has been possible to investigate by triangulating the information, that the causes that detonated the manifesto of independence, not so far from the current ones, and although it is true that the Colony was lived from the 15th to the 17th century in full physical force, today In the 21st century, there are still some lags of domination, empire, arrogance, discrimination, desires for freedom, oppression, exploitation of slavery. In the same way, the causes of the Córdoba manifesto are for the same causes of independence of the university, first organized and dominated by the church under its interests, then by the state in the same way directed by and for the elites. It is therefore that these historical and heroic events of the peoples each in their time and their context have made the holistic development of the university possible and everything that needs to be changed is being changed. That there are still unsolved problems, there are problems, but we are moving forward, towards better stages of development, continually revolutionizing. Understand quality. And As Fidel says in his concept of Revolution: “it is to fight with audacity, intelligence and realism; it is never lying or violating ethical principles; it is a deep conviction that there is no force in the world capable of crushing the force of truth and ideas”. In conclusion, it is possible to show that from the colony, colonial Europe and other northern empires practice humiliations that violate human rights: such as discrimination, ignorance of the truth, manipulation to subjugate, the use of lies as a weapon of fear and terror, elitism, arrogance; However, the opposite side of the colonizing practice, the learning, the errors, committed and observed have allowed significant advances in modern universities such as academics, research, extensionism and its social impact internationalization, technological development, self-assessment and national and international accreditation are evident achievements of revolutionary development of the universities of Nicaragua, in Central America and Latin America and the Caribbean.


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Author Biography

Pedro Alberto Aburto Jarquín, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua. UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua

Docente Investigador, Director de Grado Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua. UNAN-Managua. Articulista y especialista en investigación en procesos de educación en la educación superior.


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How to Cite

Aburto Jarquín, P. A. (2021). Emergence and Development of Higher Education, in correspondence with the bicentennial of the Independence of Central America and the reform of Córdoba, and prospects for 2030. Revista Humanismo Y Cambio Social, 8(Especial), 64–82. https://doi.org/10.5377/hcs.v8i88.13543