The National Institute: brushstrokes of its history
National Institute, Educational modalities, Official names, National and international projects or twinningAbstract
The present research, entitled: The National Institute: brushstrokes of its history, aims to study the history of the National Institute located in the city of Estelí, compiling some aspects from its foundation to the year 2019, the general objective being to narrate brushstrokes of its history; Regarding the materials and methods used, the following elements stand out: the research approach is qualitative, the design is narrative, the techniques and instruments for data collection are: the semi-structured interview through the questionnaire with open questions, and the documents, records and materials, in this case physical and digital, the technique of the data analysis and processing process is coding and finally the sample is non-probabilistic in chain or networks; Among the main results, it is possible to mention that it is possible to specify the educational modalities that have worked and the official names of the National Institute, in addition a project is described with the Foundation for the Support of Children’s Creative Art (FUNARTE), the twinning with foreign educational institutions, School infrastructure projects carried out by the Central Government and the local Government and the various contests, competitions, fairs, Olympics and games promoted by the Ministry of Education and other institutions in which the National Institute has participated at the municipal, departmental and national, at the end the conclusions answer the research questions and the bibliography consulted is detailed.
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