Psychosocial factors affecting the learning of hearing deficient students at Isaiah 29:18 Christian school (Nejapa District, Managua)




Hearing deficiency, learning difficulties, students, psychosocial factors, parental involvement


This research paper was carried out in the first semester 2022, as a graduation modality to earn a degree in psychology, whose purpose is to analyze the psychosocial factors affecting the learning of hearing deficient students in secondary school at Isaiah 29:18, Christian school. This research has a sample of seven students whose ages are from 12 to 22 years old, using a quantitative method. The main methods of data collection were semi-structured interviews with students, teachers and parents. Subsequently, dyscalculia and dysgraphia worksheets were applied, allowing the identification of the specific difficulties presented by the students, a focus group and the application of the Weil nonverbal test. As a result of the research, three factors that affect the students were identified, which are: little knowledge of sign language by parents, poor detection of learning difficulties and a deficit in parental involvement. In favor of the educational work of teachers and parents, playful strategies and visual techniques that will contribute to the management of learning difficulties are proposed.


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Author Biographies

Juan Sánchez Bravo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua. UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua

Licenciado en Psicología, Egresado de la UNAN-Managua, actualmente perfilándose en psicología clínica y de la salud, posee conocimiento del idioma inglés. Le gusta mucho la lectura y escritura, por lo cual ha escrito su primer artículo.

Tiffani Mejía Palacios, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua. UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua

Licenciada en Psicología, graduada en la UNAN-Managua. Actualmente trabaja como presentadora de televisión en canal 8.


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Razeto, A. (2016). El involucramiento de las familias en la educación de los niños. Cuatro reflexiones para fortalecer la relación entre familias y escuela. Scielo Uruguay.

Regader, B. (2015). Psicología educativa: definición, conceptos y teorías. Psicología y Mente.

Solórzano M. Et al. (2020). Rendimiento intelectual y memoria de trabajo en niños con trastornos específicos del aprendizaje. Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana, 17(2).

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How to Cite

Sánchez Bravo, J. ., & Mejía Palacios, T. . (2023). Psychosocial factors affecting the learning of hearing deficient students at Isaiah 29:18 Christian school (Nejapa District, Managua). Revista Humanismo Y Cambio Social, 20(20), 73–83.



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