Cultural and political consequences for migratory movements: stereotypes and prejudices between Mexico and Central America


  • Mariana Rodrigues Lopes Doctorante del programa de Posgrado en Comunicación y Letras de la Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie



Central America, Mexico, migrations, preconceptions, violence, culture


This paper analyzes the stereotypes and preconceptions present in political and cultural relations between Mexico and Central America, and their impact in the context of Central American migrations to the United States, through the novel Amarás a Dios sobre todas las cosas (2013), by the Mexican writer Alejandro Hernández. The reflection is part of a broader discussion that we are carrying out in our doctoral thesis, which deals with Central American migrations to the United States and their representations in contemporary Latin American literature. These relations go back to the pre-Columbian period when the region, now known as Central America and good of part of the Mexican territory, formed the area known as Mesoamerica. Since then, these relations have taken different courses, and have become a relationship of love and hate, as it is reflected in the treatment of Central American migrants in their
transit through Mexico, especially in the last years. The novel re-elaborates these relations showing their impact in the daily life of the Central American migrants. Our purpose is to show that these relations go beyond the imaginary that Mexicans have with respect to Central Americans and vice versa.


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Author Biography

Mariana Rodrigues Lopes, Doctorante del programa de Posgrado en Comunicación y Letras de la Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Doctorante del programa de Posgrado en Comunicación y Letras de la Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Maestría en Letras por esta misma Universidad; Licenciatura en Letras Portugués/Español por la Universidade Metodista de São Paulo. Profesora de Lengua española y culturas hispánicas en el municipio de Guarulhos (São Paulo). Desde el 2013 se desempeña como profesora de Lengua española en FATEC (Faculdade de Tecnologia do Estado de São Paulo). Asesora del secretario de Educación de Guarulhos (2014 y 2016. Pasantía en la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica como becaria de CAPES (Brasil) por el Programa Bolsa Sanduíche (2015), donde realizó parte de su trabajo de investigación doctoral, cuyo eje central son los movimientos migratorios de Centroamérica hacia los Estados Unidos reelaborados por la literatura centroamericana contemporánea. Los temas que trabaja son: literatura brasileña e hispanoamericana (latinoamericana), identidad, diferencia cultura, lengua, hibridación, frontera, migración, exilio, refugio, diáspora, integración regional y educación.



How to Cite

Rodrigues Lopes, M. (2017). Cultural and political consequences for migratory movements: stereotypes and prejudices between Mexico and Central America. Revista Humanismo Y Cambio Social, (9), 10–30.



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