Participation of Indigenous Women in the Construction of Public Policies in the framework of the implementation of the Peace Accords in Colombia




indigenous women, empowerment, peace building, imperfect peace, public policies, peace agreements, citizenship


This text wants to give an account of the way in which indigenous women have contributed to the construction of peace and the challenges that have to the implementation of the Peace Agreements established between the FARC guerrilla and the Colombian Government. It seeks to problematize three issues that are of deep concern: i) the way in which the demands of the Colombian indigenous movement have been considered, valued and recognized; (ii) ignorance of the challenges in the participation of indigenous women; and (iii) the lack of theoretical dialogue between the perspectives of peace and the field of public policies. The reflection presented here is the result of the research work of doctoral thesis development from the active participation and the plural dialogue that recovers the place of the enunciation of indigenous women yanaconas that in the context of city have led decision making processes in the field of public policies.


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Author Biography

Adriana Anacona Muñoz, Mujer Indígena del Pueblo Yanakuna de Colombia

Socióloga, Magíster en Políticas Públicas de la Universidad del Valle -Colombia, doctora en Historia y Arte, experta en Gestión de la Paz y los Conflictos de la Universidad de Granada-España.



How to Cite

Anacona Muñoz, A. (2020). Participation of Indigenous Women in the Construction of Public Policies in the framework of the implementation of the Peace Accords in Colombia. Revista Humanismo Y Cambio Social, (14), 12–25.