Sustainable human development and cultural transformation through rights restored in Villa Guadalupe, Managua department (Such investigation took place during 2015 to 2017).




Human Development, Culture, Cultural Transformation, Community, restored


This research on sustainable human development and cultural transformation through rights restored in Villa Guadalupe, aims to analyze the processes of transformation of socio-cultural, economic, educational, environmental life among other equally important aspects. A mixed approach to research, with the application of qualitative and quantitative methodology was used. He proceeded to conducting interviews and observations, as well as conducting surveys in situ. As for the main findings, he explained that although living conditions have improved in the material plane, in the cultural and psychosocial context it has a lot to improve, because previous life patterns are somewhat institutionalized way. To conclude sustainable human development is achieved not only by improving the cultural dimension and causing a change in worldview.


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Author Biography

Francisco José Porras Lozano, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, UNAN-Managua

Docente del Departamento de Derecho. Licenciado en Derecho, con especialidad en Violencia de Género y Trata de Personas. Actualmente maestrando en Métodos de Investigación Científica en la UNAN-Managua.  Con cinco años de experiencia en Estudio y Diagnóstico Comunitario, de cara a la formulación de proyectos sociales.



How to Cite

Porras Lozano, F. J. (2020). Sustainable human development and cultural transformation through rights restored in Villa Guadalupe, Managua department (Such investigation took place during 2015 to 2017). Revista Humanismo Y Cambio Social, (14), 73–85.