Resistance to antiretroviral drugs in patients with human immunodeficiency virus in Mario Catarino Rivas National Hospital




Drug resistance, genotype, HIV, mutation


First-line antiretroviral therapy used in the country for several years, which con- sists of a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor with two nucleoside reverse transcrip- tase inhibitors, is associated with therapeutic failure and resistance to it has been reported. Objective: To know the resistance to first-line antiretroviral therapy in patients treated for Human Immunodeficiency Virus at the Mario Catarino Rivas National Hospital from october 2016 to 2017. Patients and methods: Observational, descriptive research; retrospective, cross-sectional cohort type. Population of 313 patients who underwent genotype testing, of which 291 patients were taken as a sample distributed by groups: without previous exposure to antiretrovirals, pediatric, with 12 months of treatment and 48 or more months of treatment who were performed genotype test. Results: There was amplification in 52% (152) of the patients, of which 56% (85) presented resistance to antiretroviral treatment, with a prevalence of resistance to nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitors of 75% (64). non nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) with 89% (76) and protease inhibitors 15% (13). A prevalence of primary resistance of 19% was found in newly diagnosed patients. Conclusion: A change to the first line of antiretroviral therapy is recommended since resistance mutations to NNRTI were identified in 91% in patients with a recent diagnosis and without exposure to ARVs. The WHO recommends withdrawing NRTIs as the first line therapy and including drugs with a better genetic barrier, when resistance levels for NRTIs are> 10%.


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Author Biographies

Krisia Maria o Banegas Carball, Medical Assistance Doctors Without Borders

Doctor of Medicine and Surgery. National Autonomous University of Honduras, Master in HIV, Medical Assistance Doctors without Borders

Raquel Andrea z Martínez Lópe, National Autonomous University of Honduras

Doctor of medicine and surgery. National Autonomous University of Honduras, Internal
Medicine Postgraduate Resident, Faculty of Medical Sciences

Carlos Alberton Romero Dura, National Autonomous University of Honduras

Doctor of medicine and surgery. National Autonomous University of Honduras, Internal Medicine Postgraduate Resident, Faculty of Medical Sciences

Douglas Isaac Morales Cortez, National Autonomous University of Honduras

Doctor of medicine and surgery. National Autonomous University of Honduras

Isis Sarahi Flores Castellanos, National Autonomous University of Honduras

Doctor of medicine and surgery. National Autonomous University of Honduras

Karen Erazo, National Autonomous University of Honduras of the Sula Valley

Pediatrician National Autonomous University of Honduras, Master in HIV, Coordinator of SAI HNMCR, Full Professor III UNAH-VS



How to Cite

Banegas Carball, K. M. o, Martínez Lópe, R. A. z, Romero Dura, C. A., Morales Cortez, D. I., Flores Castellanos, I. S. ., & Erazo, K. . (2021). Resistance to antiretroviral drugs in patients with human immunodeficiency virus in Mario Catarino Rivas National Hospital. Revista Científica De La Escuela Universitaria De Las Ciencias De La Salud, 8(1), 22–31.



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