Case report of pyogenic granuloma related to the third lower molar




Biopsy, Granuloma, Gingival hyperplasia, Inflammation, Third molars


The pyogenic granuloma is a tumor that has traditionally been considered of non-neoplastic nature. It is a reactive lesion to various low-grade stimuli, such as trauma, pharmaceutical drugs, poor oral hygiene, hormonal unbalances, that over time modifies its structure, more commonly in the oral cavity. It is mainly associated with women regardless of age group, due to a vascular effect mediated by hormonal changes. The objective for which this case report is to describe the unusual location of this type of injury and its respective treatment. The clinical case of a 17-year-old female patient is exposed, which presents an exophytic type nodular lesion of firm consistency and bleeding on palpation with a progressive course of one year in the 4.7 area. The definitive diagnosis was obtained through the anatomo- pathological study, resulting in a reactive lesion such as pyogenic granuloma. Imaging examinations such as periapical radiography, panoramic radiography, as well as hematology exams were indicated for their respective surgical approach, which consisted of performing an excisional-type biopsy; At post-surgical control, adequate healing was observed, and no signs of recurrence were observed after 6 months of control. Due to its strange location, it was decided to document and share this clinical case, in which conventional surgical treatment was chosen, obtaining an adequate resolution.


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Author Biographies

Pablo Mejía, University of Heredia, Guatemala

Specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery

Sthephanie Velasquez, University of Medellin, Colombia

Specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery, Universidad Medellín

Anthony Castro Tovar, National Autonomous University of Honduras in the Sula Valley

General dentist

Dennis O. Cardona, National Autonomous University of Honduras in the Sula Valley

General dentist



How to Cite

Mejía, P. ., Velasquez, S., Castro Tovar, A. ., & Cardona, D. O. . (2023). Case report of pyogenic granuloma related to the third lower molar. Revista Científica De La Escuela Universitaria De Las Ciencias De La Salud, 8(2), 47–54.



Clinical Cases