Psychological manifestations and risk factors in adolescents during Covid-19 confinement




Adolescent, Anxiety, COVID-19, Depression, Technology


The COVID-19 pandemic has marked history as one of the pandemics that has most impacted the lives of the global population. Being the highly transmissible SARS-CoV-2 virus, the different countries adopted strict sanitary regimes to face the pan- demic, mentioning confinement as one of the most notable. The adolescent population, particularly, has been one of the most affected by the pandemic due to all the forced changes that they have implemented in their lives during this transition stage in which they find themselves. Loss of healthy habits, interpersonal and intrafamily relationship problems, and the increased use of technology during confinement have been described as relevant risk factors that make the adolescent population vulnerable to manifesting important psychological symptoms.

The objective of the bibliographic review is to publicize the psychological manifestation and risk factors in adolescentes during COVID-19 confinement, year 2022.

The bibliographic review is of a descriptive type, in which a systematic search for scientific articles was carried out, consulting various websites and databases, among others; LATINDEX, LILACS, Google Scholar, Camjol, ELSEVIER, PubMed, SCOPUS, NLM Catalog. In conclusion, the impact that the pandemic has had on adolescents is remarkable. Despite the fact that strict sanitary measures have now been revoked, the adolescent's personal experience during confinement is decisive in his post-confinement life. It is espe- cially important to monitor this population due to the transition stage they were in during confinement and the way in which it impacted their lives, especially their mental health.


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Author Biographies

Jelssy Alvarez Tejada, National Autonomous University of Honduras in the Sula Valley (UNAH/VS)

Fourth year medical students, UNAH-VS University School of Health Sciences

Mario Alejandro , National Autonomous University of Honduras in the Sula Valley

Fourth year medical students, UNAH-VS University School of Health Sciences UNAH/VS.

Cesia Zerón, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras en el Valle de Sula (UNAH/VS)

Fourth year medical students, UNAH-VS University School of Health Sciences of the UNAH/VS

José Raúl Arita, Honduran Institute of Social Security, Northern Regional

General Physician. Honduran Institute of Social Security, Northern Regional



How to Cite

Alvarez Tejada, J., Barrientos Diaz, M. A. ., Zerón Bonilla, C. D. ., & Arita Chávez, J. R. . (2023). Psychological manifestations and risk factors in adolescents during Covid-19 confinement. Revista Científica De La Escuela Universitaria De Las Ciencias De La Salud, 9(2), 39–56.



Literature Review