Categorization system as breast pathology BIRADS


  • Georgina González Mediscan.
  • Mirna Alvarenga Oncorad
  • Eliza Funes Mediscan.
  • Lizandro Guillen Mediscan.
  • Manuel González Mediscan.



The system data and reporting breast imaging (BIRADS) is a tool that establishes standardization in mammographic reports, to reduce confusion in the interpretation of diagnostic breast pathology. Objective: Categorize breast disease BIRADS detected by the system. Patients and Methods: A descriptive and prospective study performed at 1537 patients attending Mediscan to study mammography screening (mammography control / year) in the period from January 2014 to March 2015. Results: The age range most prevailed it was between 40 and 49 years with 560 (36.2%), 1098 (71.4%) of patients had risk factors for breast cancer and the most preva- lent were prior breast biopsy, Genetics load for breast and secretion cancer the nipple. 2% were classified as BI-RADS IV and V with the study requested supplemental biopsy, 10 patients were diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma. Conclusion: The relationship between mammographic results with BIRADS system helps us manage them under precise recommendations to improve the detection of breast cancer. Recommendation: Raise awareness among patients that early detection is the best tool for early diagnosis.


Determination, Genetic Diseases Inborn, Breast Neoplasms, Neoplasms


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Author Biographies

Georgina González, Mediscan.

*Medico Radiólogo, Mediscan.

Mirna Alvarenga, Oncorad

**Medico radiólogo, Oncorad.

Eliza Funes, Mediscan.

*Medico Radiólogo, Mediscan.

Lizandro Guillen, Mediscan.

***Medico General, Mediscan.

Manuel González, Mediscan.

***Medico General, Mediscan.



How to Cite

González, G., Alvarenga, M., Funes, E., Guillen, L., & González, M. (2019). Categorization system as breast pathology BIRADS. Revista Científica De La Escuela Universitaria De Las Ciencias De La Salud, 3(1), 35–39.



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