Abscess of pediatric psoas, conservative management: Case report


  • Alejandra Mazariegos Rivera Autora independiente.
  • Claudia Alvarado Mendoza Autora independiente.
  • Carlos Godoy Mejía Hospital Materno Infantil. Honduras




The psoas abscess is a rare clinical entity, difficult to diagnose in children with an ambiguous presentation, thus delaying diagnosis and treatment, may be primary or secondary, with unilateral primary in 98%, about 70%of cases of psoas abscesses has been reported in the age group of 10 to 17 years male and 75%. Only 20% of cases reaches identify the causative factor. With little incidence twelve year in developed countries according to the scientific literature. Case report: If male patient aged 15 years, presented from, Juticalpa, Olancho, Honduras. With a history of appendectomy, 10 years ago, begins with abdominal pain 22 days of evolution, located in the right upper quadrant, progressive intensity. Later, with lameness and fever, which was taken private clinic and managed with analgesic without improvement. It was reevaluated in private clinic where indicated perform abdominal ultrasound reported heterogeneous mass in sliding to right colic, consider psoas abscess and reference to Hospital Materno Infantil, Tegucigalpa. The feverish income, with pain on deep palpitacion of the right upper quadrant and difficulty of extending the right leg by the presence of pain. The laboratory tests were consistent with infectious process and abdominal USG confirmed the diagnosis. With satisfactory clinical evolution and monitoring ultrasound reflection reduction 9ml collection so the TAC was omitted.


Psoas Abscess, Abdominal Pain, Leukocytosis, Diagnostic Imaging, Intermittent Claudication


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Author Biographies

Alejandra Mazariegos Rivera, Autora independiente.

*Doctora en Medicina General y Cirugía, autora independiente.

Claudia Alvarado Mendoza, Autora independiente.

*Doctora en Medicina General y Cirugía, autora independiente.

Carlos Godoy Mejía, Hospital Materno Infantil. Honduras

** Especialista en Pediatría. Hospital Materno Infantil.



How to Cite

Mazariegos Rivera, A., Alvarado Mendoza, C., & Godoy Mejía, C. (2019). Abscess of pediatric psoas, conservative management: Case report. Revista Científica De La Escuela Universitaria De Las Ciencias De La Salud, 3(1), 58–62. https://doi.org/10.5377/rceucs.v3i1.7026



Clinical Cases