Begging, abandonment and child labor in the comunidad garifuna de Travesia, Puerto Cortes
Begging, abandonment and child labor are a social reality in which they are involved many boys and girls, being these population vulne- rable to factors that enhance this situation. Objective: Know the prevalence of begging, abandonment and child labor in the Garífuna community of Puerto Cortes first semester 2016. Patients and Methods: Quantitative study non experimental, cross- sectional, descriptive/exploratory population 450 homes, displays 149 families, Instrument type: questionnaire. Results: 47% people have observed children begging in the community, the 86.58% of the population do know what the abandonment is, 87.2% don’t know institutions within the community that help children abandoned, in the 42.28% of the homes do live children aside from their children, the 50.79% indicated to be the grandmother of the children, in the 26.17% percent of homes the children do make activities to generate income, the 13.51% make hawking, 4.73% construction. Conclusion: The results of the investigation show that there is abandonment, both physical and psy- chologically on the children of the Garifuna community, such as begging, although children are not observed that request in the light but these do surround the community or to carry out this activity during the dates where there are more tourists, child labor is not very marked in the surveyed population, however the children do carry out economic activities to generate income in their homes, such as the sale of coco bread, tablets, some work in construction, most of these children that work they also study.
Poverty, Child Abandoned, Child labor, Ethnic group, Children