About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Journal Ciencia e Intercultural  is a journal for inter-scientific and intercultural dialogue of the University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast (URACCAN). ISSN: Print version: 1997-9231. Online version: 2223-6260. Its periodicity is semiannual. The first issue is from January to June and is published on July 1 and the second issue, from July to December, is published on January 1. The objective of Science and Interculturality is to share and disseminate knowledge, knowledge and practices through unpublished articles and critical review, which contribute to various areas of knowledge, with emphasis on issues related to interculturality, and specifically from a perspective of multidisciplinarity in education; Linguistic and Cultural Revitalization; Intercultural Health, Gender and Interculturality; Social Sciences; Humanities; Natural Resources and Environment; Engineering and Technology; Farming; and Indigenous and Afro-descendant Culture.

Publication Frequency

Two issues per annum.

Peer Review Process

Selection and Approval Procedure of Articles

The articles are reviewed by the University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast editorial boards. Subsequently, they will be subjected to the review process with the external peer review system with the double-blind modality that implies the authors and evaluators anonymity. When the article is assigned for review, the arbitration process will take 5 weeks. 

Arbitrators Selection 

  1. Check to verify that the writing complies with the requirements that are requested in the publication standards of the Journal Science and Interculturality. 
  1. Verification that the article does not contain plagiarism or self-plagiarism and that it correctly attributes the other people ideas. 
  1. The Director assigns experts to carry out the review according to the theme of the article. 
  1. The opinion begins with the following phases: (1) For the review, it is sent to two experts, external to the publishing entity of the journal; and (2) the evaluating experts must submit the evaluations with the document used by the journal. This will be done depending on the type of article. 
  1. The evaluating experts rule the article through the evaluation criteria with respect to the arbitrated document: (1) Publish; (2) Publish when the author makes the adjustments proposed in the recommendations indicated by the evaluating experts; and (3) Do not publish. 
  1. If the case arises that one of the expert evaluators does not agree with the publication of the article, it will be submitted to review by a third evaluator, whose opinion will serve to resolve the discrepancy and make a decision final in consensus with the Editorial Board of the Science and Interculturality Magazine. In case of any conflict not foreseen in this modality, it will be the responsibility of the Editorial Board to make the corresponding decision. 
  1. If the opinion of the article recommends some corrections, the author (a) will be responsible for making them, within the period established by the Journal (usually two weeks, 15 working days), and must send the writing by email. If not delivered on the stipulated date, the article is not guaranteed to appear in the next issue to be published. 
  1. Once the author returns the article with the integrated settings, these will be verified and, if necessary, sent back to the author, until the document is purified. 
  1. With the article ready, the Editorial Board certifies endorsement for the publication of the article. 

Article Evaluation Formats 

Taking into account the above, the Science and Interculturality Journal proposes the following article evaluation forms: 

  1. Opinion for Publication of Scientific Articles Format.
  1. Publication of Bibliographic Review Articles Opinion Format.
  1. Publication of Scientific Research Essays Opinion Format.

The Ciencia e Interculturalidad shares the basic principles established in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.