Integral Science, Technology, Innovation, and Intercultural Community Entrepreneurship Program: a proposal from the experience of URACCAN, Las Minas Campus




Common Good, Cosmovision, management in intercultural contexts, Development with Identity


This is a systematization of good practices in innovation and entrepreneurship in intercultural community higher education contexts. Its objective is to identify actions of high educational value in the definition of guidelines for an Integral Program of Science, Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. For this purpose, methods and techniques were designed, based on the open innovation model and challenge-based learning. As a result of the implementation of integral actions in the management and application of knowledge, the Open Innovation Season, a holistic methodology that iteratively combines teaching, research, extension, and management, was identified as a good practice. Based on this experience, five components were designed, focusing their attention on managing and promoting the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship with an intercultural gender perspective in the university community, in a multi, inter, and transdisciplinary approach, in terms of its community, territorial and multi-sectorial projection with the transversalization of the values and principles of the University. The program is a complementary and homologated proposal with different instances and the institutional planning framework to effectively contribute to national and regional policies and programs that promote the creative and community economy


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Author Biographies

Joel David Montenegro Lanza, University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast, Nicaragua

Master of Science in Rural Development, Coordinator of the innovation and entrepreneurship area of the University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast, Las Minas campus

Angélica Leonor Ruíz Calderón, University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast, Nicaragua

 Doctor in education, Vice Chancellor of the University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast, Las Minas campus

Víctor Ronald Zúniga Morales, University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast, Nicaragua

Master in Rural Development Sciences, Director of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship area of the University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast



How to Cite

Montenegro Lanza, J. D. ., Ruíz Calderón, A. L. ., & Zúniga Morales, V. R. . (2022). Integral Science, Technology, Innovation, and Intercultural Community Entrepreneurship Program: a proposal from the experience of URACCAN, Las Minas Campus. Ciencia E Interculturalidad, 31(02), 46–56.


