Applications of the integral calculus in the compressibility of fluids in a vector field




assessment, physics, mechanics fluid, mathematics


This research has analyzed the concepts and theorems of integral calculus in the compressibility of fluids in a vector field in the solution of unprecedented problems. This is a qualitative study that allowed interpreting, collecting, and analyzing concepts and theorems referring to integral calculus where an evaluation rubric was provided to assess the work developed by the participants. The results confirm the interdisciplinarity of the subject with the use of a solution methodology by understanding two unprecedented problems. It is concluded that this research process strengthens academic training and logical and critical thinking for the creation and resolution of physical problems in the compressibility of fluids in a vector field.


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Author Biographies

Luz Juliana López López, Regional Multidisciplinary Faculty of Esteli, Nicaragua

Teacher of Secondary Education with a Mention in Physics-Mathematics, student of the Regional Multidisciplinary Faculty of Esteli.

Rosa Emilia Rivera Díaz, Regional Multidisciplinary Faculty of Esteli, Nicaragua

Teacher of Secondary Education with a Mention in Physics-Mathematics, student of the Regional Multidisciplinary Faculty of Esteli.

Sarahí del Carmen Carrasco Sánchez, Regional Multidisciplinary Faculty of Esteli, Nicaragua

Teacher of Secondary Education with a Mention in Physics-Mathematics, student of the Regional Multidisciplinary Faculty of Esteli.

Walter Ismael Medina Martínez, Regional Multidisciplinary Faculty of Esteli, Nicaragua

Graduate en Sciences of Education with a Mention in Physics-Mathematics, Teacher at the Regional Multidisciplinary Faculty of Esteli.

Cliffor Jerry Herrera Castrillo, Regional Multidisciplinary Faculty of Esteli, Nicaragua

Master in Applied Mathematics, Teacher at the Regional Multidisciplinary Faculty of Esteli.



How to Cite

López López, L. J. ., Rivera Díaz, R. E., Carrasco Sánchez, S. del C., Medina Martínez, W. I. ., & Herrera Castrillo, C. J. (2022). Applications of the integral calculus in the compressibility of fluids in a vector field. Ciencia E Interculturalidad, 32(01), 23–42.


