Methodological proposal in the application of the derivative in Agroforestry Engineering, II semester 2013


  • Ernesto Vanegas Sevilla URACCAN
  • Yahaira Bermúdez Vargas URACCAN
  • Luis Antonio López Mairena URACCAN



Application of by-products, integral calculus, differential calculus, methodological strategies, Agroforestry Engineering, resolution of the derivatives


This research has demonstrated the importance of methodological strategies in the educational process related to the applications of by-product in the career of Agroforestry Engineering, with the pretension that students develop autonomy to enrich their knowledge and achieve meaningful learning, and also to build awareness about the importance of the implementation of software in the mathematics applications.

The mixed approach permitted to enrich the quantitative data with qualitative information admitting the collection, analysis and link with the indicators. The population was made up of 58 students of Agroforestry Engineering from URACCAN (Bluefields and Siuna Campus (Las Minas), considering the entire population as sample, due to the fact that it’s very small when applying the triola formula to calculate the sample of a finite population, with a margin of error of 1% and a reliability level of 95%. The study showed that the main difficulty is that students don’t have a full domain of mathematics (algebra and geometry), and that’s the reason why they have difficulty to understand and resolve the by-products.


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How to Cite

Vanegas Sevilla, E., Bermúdez Vargas, Y., & López Mairena, L. A. (2016). Methodological proposal in the application of the derivative in Agroforestry Engineering, II semester 2013. Ciencia E Interculturalidad, 17(2), 51–66.



Higher Education in the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast