Use and assessment of the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in the community of Awastara


  • Maritza Cordón Suárez
  • Enrique Cordón Suárez



turtle, use, valuation, craft fishing, Miskito Keys, regulations


This study focused on the sociocultural, economic and legal aspects that are involved in the use of the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in the indigenous miskitu community of Awastara. The methodology was qualitative and quantitative, based on the paradigm of the social critic investigation and the symbolic interactionism.

According to the records, 95% of the population of Awastara is dedicated to the capture of turtles throughout the year. This practice is not only to ensure communal food, but it also has a spiritual value, is a legacy of their ancestors and through this they have preserved their culture. The current community vision is not to regularize the capture, but to integrate community participation in an equitable manner.

The fishing spots are the Miskito Keys (Cayos Miskitos) and this is the route where the turtle travels from North to South. This route is permanent and of mandatory stay for their food and rest. Communal capture is about 1200 units per month and consumption is 80 to 100 units per month, the remnant is to supply the markets of Bilwi. Costs vary from 10.700 to 6.000 cordobas per day, with an average of 20-30 turtles, which projected a net utility of 17.500 cordobas, and for each turtle butchered 1.071 cordobas. Most laws and regulations issued by MARENA and other instances are aimed at the protection of the turtle, without considering the spiritual part and daily life of the community; however, there are also communal measures to protect the resource with craft fishing.

Keywords: turtle; use; valuation; craft fishing; Miskito Keys; regulations.

CIENCIA E INTERCULTURALIDAD Volumen 8, año 4 No. 1 Erero - Julio 2011 pp.112-126


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How to Cite

Cordón Suárez, M., & Cordón Suárez, E. (2011). Use and assessment of the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in the community of Awastara. Ciencia E Interculturalidad, 8(1), 112–126.



Environment and Natural Resources