Survival model to analyze school dropout from URACCAN, Nueva Guinea Campus
School dropout, Survival methods, Retention model, Academic performanceAbstract
School dropout affects all universities worldwide. This research explains the characteristics of students who drop out of URACCAN University, Nueva Guinea Campus, 2013 - 2017 cut. In addition, a student retention model is proposed for this university. This investigation was carried out with two samples. The first objective was developed with all the 347 students who enrolled in the first year of their career in 2013. The second and third objective, work with 137 retired students. The mixed method and a correlational, phenomenological scope were used and due to its temporal location it is a cross-sectional study. In this study, it was found that the variables that have statistical influence on student dropout are the subject that the student chooses, the number of subjects failed and the average obtained in URACCAN. In turn, the variables studied and which do not statistically influence retirement are: gender, marital status, and area ofresidence, type of high school in which students graduated, modality, age of the student, academic performance of fourth and fifth year and work. Finally, a student retention plan was developed for URACCAN University.
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