Comparison of two forms of fertilization in corn cultivation DK 7500 variety, La Troncal, Ecuador




Fertilizer, Corn, Supermagro, Variet


The effect of 2 forms of soil fertilization on corn (Zea mayz L.) variety DK 7500 was evaluated at Las Mercedes, La Troncal – Ecuador Ranch, the treatments were: T1 = Supermagro enriched fertilizer: day 8 (25%), day 23 (25%), day 38 (50%); T2 = Conventional fertilizer 30 g / plant: day 8 (8-20-20% NPK), day 23 (15-3-20% NPK), day 38 (21-0-0-24% NPK), on the (Plant height 30, 60, 90 DDS (cm); Insertion height ear 70 DDS (cm); Ear length (cm); Ear diameter (cm); Rows of grain per ear; Weight 1000 grains (g); Tusa / Grain; Yield (kg / ha-1); Economic analysis. The experiment was run under a Completely Randomized Block Design with 4 replicates, the data were analyzed with ANOVA, the comparison of means was made with the Duncan Test (p <0.05). The calculations were carried out in the InfoStaf Statistical Package version 2019. The results responded favorably to the conventional fertilizer treatment (T2), registering a greater ear length of 15.90 cm, ear diameter of 4.95 cm, tusa – grain ratio of 5.38. The types of fertilizers did not affected plant height at 30, 60 and 90 days, ear insertion on day 70, number of rows of kernels per ear, weight of 1000 kernels and yield. The partial budget analysis showed that the best marginal rate of return was obtained by the conventional fertilization treatment (T2), leaving a marginal rate of 27.27%, representing that for every U$ 1.00 invested in conventional fertilization, the producer recovers his dollar invested and obtains an additional U$ 0.27.


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Author Biographies

José  Humberto Vera Rodríguez, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Enrique Noboa Arízaga, La Troncal – Ecuador. 

Magíster en Zootecnia. Docente Investigador, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Enrique Noboa Arízaga, La Troncal – Ecuador

Wilson Eder Cepeda Landin, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Enrique Noboa Arízaga. La Troncal - Ecuador. 

Agricultural engineer and Biologist. Researcher Professor, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Enrique Noboa Arízaga. La Troncal - Ecuador

Felipe Abrahán  Espejo Galarza, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Enrique Noboa Arízaga, La Troncal - Ecuador

Agricultural Technologist. Researcher, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Enrique Noboa Arízaga, La Troncal - Ecuador

Diana de los Ángeles Cárdenas Carreño, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Enrique Noboa Arízaga, La Troncal -Ecuador

Agricultural Technologist. Researcher, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Enrique Noboa Arízaga. La Troncal -Ecuador

Gavino Manuel Inga Herrera, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Enrique Noboa Arízaga. La Troncal -Ecuador.  

 Agricultural Technologist. Researcher, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Enrique Noboa Arízaga. La Troncal -Ecuador. 

Alexandra del Roció Balón Cárdenas, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Enrique Noboa Arízaga. La Troncal - Ecuador. 

Agricultural Technologist. Researcher, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Enrique Noboa Arízaga. La Troncal - Ecuador. 

José David Granda Correa, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Enrique Noboa Arízaga. La Troncal - Ecuador. 

Agricultural Technologist. Researcher, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Enrique Noboa Arízaga. La Troncal - Ecuador

Juan Carlos  Delgado Orozco, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Enrique Noboa Arízaga. La Troncal - Ecuador

Agricultural Technologist. Researcher, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Enrique Noboa Arízaga. La Troncal - Ecuador



How to Cite

Vera Rodríguez, J. H., Cepeda Landin, W. E., Espejo Galarza, F. A., Cárdenas Carreño, D. de los Ángeles, Inga Herrera, G. M., Balón Cárdenas, A. del R., … Delgado Orozco, J. C. (2020). Comparison of two forms of fertilization in corn cultivation DK 7500 variety, La Troncal, Ecuador. Ciencia E Interculturalidad, 26(01), 163–174.



Agriculture and Livestock