Ignacio Ellacuría and the horizon of the common good of humanity


  • Juan Antonio Senent-De Frutos Universidad Loyola




Common good, Common good of humanity, Ellacuría, Ignacio, 1930-1989, Suárez, Francisco, 1548-1617, World society


I carry out in this work a genealogical reading and, at the same time, an update and projection of the ethical-political criterion ofthe common good in the context of today's global society. To do this, I maintain a critical dialogue about the meaning of this criterion in the classical authors of the western tradition, and about the way in which they have been used and resignijied in the successive times until today. In this dialogue and for this reconstruction, I pay special attention to the civilizing and normative sense that the common good plays in Jesuit thinkers in the globalized world that emerged from the 16th century; such as Francisco Suárez (1548-1617), and particularly from the conscience crisis and unsustainability of the dynamisms that rule in this global world, and which is analyzed in the work of Ignacio Ellacuría (1930-1989). Thus, I show the critical and ethical relevance of the criterion of the common good of humanity from our historical challenges, as a normative element to ethically evaluate, guide and rebuild the interactions and plural practices and social institutions that perate in world society.

Realidad: Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades No. 155, 2020: 105-129



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How to Cite

Senent-De Frutos, J. A. (2020). Ignacio Ellacuría and the horizon of the common good of humanity. Realidad: Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, (155), 105–129. https://doi.org/10.5377/realidad.v0i155.10387



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