Proletariat, colonialism and identity: a view from Latin Latin America in the 21st century
Proletariat, Critical race theory race, Latin America, Critical theory, PostmodernismAbstract
Proletariat, as the political subject of the Marxist revolution, has been called into question in Latin America due to the economic and cultural circumstances that are characteristic of the territory. The rise of postmodern thought has been raised in political and academic exercises as a source in which
events and spontaneity prevail, rather than a conscious exercise of critical reflection on the material conditions of Latin American and the Southern Cone subjects. Thus, analyzing the limits of Slavoj Žižek s theory and its Latin Americanization by Santiago Castro Gómez allows for a critical-reflexive exercise of the Latin American situation to resignify the proletariat in Our America of the 21st century.
Realidad: Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades No. 160, 2022: 49-70.
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